Crypto Art Challenge ETH submission.

Ethereum surreal art

ethsndbox copy.png

This was an amazing experiment I wanted to try, one of the mosts fun things about graphic design is that you can creat almost whatever you want, there are no rules, besides the basic esthetics, is pretty wide what you can do. I left illustrator aside in this one, and tried using only photoshop and let my mind fly away.

I always liked the photo-montage in design, creating surreal and unique pieces of art is so much fun, so I wanted to do something like that in this opportunity. If I had to call this into some art style I would say its a mix of photo mounting, surreal and maybe futurism utopian, but clearly is a surreal environment. My inspiration in this one was juts to set my mind free, I tried not to make rules, nor stayed with one style or artist in particular.

Most of the images I used in the background were just some random google results, and also some edited files I used to have in my computer. Hope you guys like it, and I'm pretty sure this has reawakened my photoshop photo manipulating mode, and I'm loving it, so more like this is about to come, stay tuned.

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