Cubism Moai Statues (an entry to Crypto Art Challenge [Round 4: Litecoin Edition]

Hello guys! What's up? just sharing my entry to @sndbox 's Crypto Art Challenge [Round 4: Litecoin Edition]. I'm so happy, because once again, there's another set of cryptoart contest hosted by @sndbox, this gives a lot of oppurtunities to every artists, like me, to share and make use of the talent we have.

Here's my Entry


The Task

So we were tasked to create a cryptoart using this logo:

And to pick a famous artist (Picasso, Van Gogh, David Hockney, Michelangelo) whoever you want - or style (cubism, pointilism, bauhaus, deconstructivism, impressionism, etc.) and interpret the Litecoin logo into that style. Other components of the image (background, details, other elements) are completely up to your imagination.

My prefered style is Cubism

Cubism is an early-20th-century art movement which brought European painting and sculpture historically forward toward 20th century Modern art. Cubism in its various forms inspired related movements in literature and architecture. Cubism has been considered to be among the most influential art movements of the 20th century.[1][2] The term is broadly used in association with a wide variety of art produced in Paris (Montmartre, Montparnasse and Puteaux) during the 1910s and throughout the 1920s.

The movement was pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, joined by Jean Metzinger, Albert Gleizes, Robert Delaunay, Henri Le Fauconnier, Fernand LΓ©ger and Juan Gris.

I've chosen Moai Statues, because the first time I saw the litecoin logo, the first thing that comes into my mind is the letter L perfectly suited to nose shape of the statue. And I really love this rock statues because it holds a lot of mystery and discoveries, that still trying to figure out by archeologist/ scholars. For me, rock itself signifies art, on how it is being formed and carved. It still amazes me on how the early people have come up to this magnificent piece with limited source, equipment, technology to build this statues.


I chose this style becuase it sometimes it requires a lot of attention of the viewer to understand and decipher the main subject and the meaning of the art. And for me it's quite attractive and pleasant to the eye, in the sense that even lines, planes, shapes, are distorted, it can still result to a mesmarizing and astonishing result, which people and especially art enthusiasts can appreciate.

So that's my inspiration in creating my entry.
And of course as always, here's the process


(First, I've imported my reference in adobe Illustrator CC)


Next, using pentool I randomly traced the statues using lines and shapes, though this is cubism, you also need to apply basic fundamental in drawing/painting like adding shadows, midtone, and highlight, so that everyone will have the chance to identify your subject.


Slowly but surely


If you have trouble finding the right shade or degree of your shadow, you can use the swatch tool. Its like a preset that you can use as I guide, it generates different shade of a color you've selected. Its located just beside the color option

See that?

Next illustrating the ground, of course like the tip I've told earlier I've used swatch tool/option, lazyness visited me I think πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Of course, the cloud and sky, still, the same process


After that, work is ready to save, press (ctrl+shift+alt+s)

Another thing is, I've imported it to photoshop to add effect (something like messs) and back to illustrator for texture. I've used the texture "canvas" of course, to made it look like being done in a canvas.




This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

So that's it guys! Thanks for cheking my entry. Have a good day.

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