Crypto Art Challenge [Round 4: Litecoin Edition] - SURREALIST LITECOIN

Hi Steemit community,

For this crypto-art-challenge, I choose the “Surrealist” painter Rene Magritte.

René Magritte was a Belgian surrealist artist best known for his witty and thought-provoking images and his use of simple graphics and everyday imagery. For my inspiration I choose “Golconda”, an oil painting on canvas, painted in 1953.


The piece depicts a scene of "raining men", nearly identical to each other dressed in dark overcoats and bowler hats, who seem to be either falling down like rain drops, floating up like helium balloons, or just stationed in mid air as no movement or motion is implied.
Magritte lived in a similar suburban environment, and dressed in a similar fashion. The bowler hat was a common feature of much of his work, and appears in paintings such as The Son of Man.


Charly Herscovici, who was bequeathed copyright on the artist's works, commented on Golconda:

“Magritte was fascinated by the seductiveness of images. Ordinarily, you see a picture of something and you believe in it, you are seduced by it; you take its honesty for granted. But Magritte knew that representations of things can lie. These images of men aren't men, just pictures of them, so they don't have to follow any rules. This painting is fun, but it also makes us aware of the falsity of representation.”

One interpretation is that Magritte is demonstrating the line between individuality and group association, and how it is blurred. All of these men are dressed the same, have the same bodily features and are all floating/falling. This leaves us to look at the men as a group. Here is my inspiration through this painting, we all are individuals sharing and working together as a group, as a piece of the Blockchaing.


-First, I started to build the backgraound, red-roofed buildings and windows, being careful of the directions of the shadows.



-Them, I started with the dispositions of the Leticoin logo, changing the orientation and sizes in order to accomplish the sensation of deep.


-Finally, I added the blue sky.

Thanks to the @sandbox for its consideration.
Hope you like it.

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