How To Stay Creative – 10 Things You Can Do To Get Your Next Idea

Happy Monday! I decided to do myself a series of blog posts – the #MotivationalMonday. Today we’re going to talk about a few things you can do to help step-up your creativity game.

Everyone has good and bad days when it comes to having new ideas – and that’s ok! It’s important to avoid putting yourself under pressure, as pressure and anxiety can be your worse enemies. Creativity comes from the most unexpected times or places. Let’s get the creative juices flowing!

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Image From Unsplash

1. Go Outside

Antoine Lavoisier once said, “In nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything changes”. It’s a great quote to explain that we base our creations in what we see in the world, that’s been there all the time, just waiting to be noticed.

Go outside and get inspiration from things you never noticed before – a poster, a piece of street art, a plant, an animal, any detail can spark ideas, no matter how small it is. Going to different places lets you see things you never saw before. Travel, go to a new coffee shop and change your work environment.

2. Get Inspiration From Other People

The outside world can inspire us and so can other people. Read articles, watch videos or movies, research - there’re millions of things you can learn from other people’s work and experiences. Maybe one can wake your inner creative and help find the idea you’re looking for.

Image From Unsplash

3. Dream. Literally!

The craziest ideas I’ve had come from my dreams. When I’m actually sleeping! Sigmund Freud believed that dreams are a window into our unconscious. As far as our comprehension of dreams go, there’re many different opinions and theories. Comment “I’m a dreamer!” if you’re reading this and you are one.

One thing we know is that there’re endless possibilities for what one can dream about. So why not taking advantage of our crazy subconscious and get inspired by it? If you ever have a really creative dream, write it down as soon as you wake up. The chances are that you will forget about it moments later. Maybe it can fuel your next million-dollar idea. Who knows!

4. Brainstorm

Brainstorming is a term created by Alex Faickney Osborn that describes a technique used to create as many ideas as possible in a limited time. In the brainstorming process, any idea is a good idea, no matter how silly it might sound.

Grab a pen, a paper and take notes of all the ideas that come to your mind. Talk to other people and ask their opinions too. Don’t be judgmental about different points of views or ideas – in the world of creativity, anything is possible.

5. Think About Your Own Experience

Every day we go through different experiences. Reflect on your daily life – Is there something you can use to inspire an idea? Any experience you can share and inspire people with? Did you go through a problem other people could relate to? Use obstacles as opportunities to create something new.

Image From Unsplash

Here’re some other things you can do to stay creative:

6: Create a Moodboard .
7: Find your creative schedule – Some people are more creative in the morning, others at night.
8: Find a new/different hobby.
9: Listen to different a song or artist.
10: Relax. Go for a walk or take a bath.

Hope you like the tips and maybe some of them can help you in the search for creativity. Remember - the best things in life are not planned! So enjoy the path of life and great things will come.

Did you ever use any of these tips? Do you have any other tips for staying creative? Would love to know!

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