One Foot In Front Of The Other

New Doc 2018-02-02 - Page 2.jpg

One foot in front of the other...

Yesterday evening before going to bed my eye caught this post on Steemit where the author writes about how she managed to write 100 posts in 100 days. The basic idea of course was that she focused on writing just one post a day for 100 days in a row. Here is this post:

The idea is so simple but at the same time so magical. Anything could be done if we do it just today. And then tomorrow, and then the day after that.

Imagine you want to write a book with over 300 pages. If you approach this task as a whole, it's a gigantic undertaking and you most likely fail somewhere around page 20.

But if you just write one post a day which is around 500 words long or less and share it on your blog anywhere on the web and later post it in your document for a book, then pretty soon the magic kicks in and you will have built a life-lasting habit, build up your skill of writing, found your voice while building an audience.

After less than a year, you will have your book ready and it will literally sell itself.

Some people write longer posts each day and publish shorter books (maybe 100+ pages) on Kindle. This way you can even complete one book in a month.

Another example: imagine you want to create a monumental cycle of drawings in a year. At first this task is too big. But if you focus on drawing just a section of your drawing, then again it's nothing big at all.

The same applies for any creative endeavor: writing, drawing, painting, composing, practicing any skill, building something digital or physical.

What's important here is that you do it one step at a time and share this step online immediately. If you don't share it, you won't receive valuable feedback, won't build your audience and while you still may complete your work many days later, nobody will know about you and your work.

If you practice your art in public, the universe will provide.

One foot in front of the other...

So last night I woke up when it was still dark. My head was heavy and a thought came that I should skip composing the first thing in the morning when I get up. After all I will feel less than perfect. Nothing will happen if I skip one day, right?


If I skip one day, the same idea will come to me the next night and the next and pretty soon I will find out that I want to abandon my project of composing 200 opuses whatsoever.

It so easy to quit, right?

But at the same time so easy to continue, if you I do it just for 15 minutes a day.

So I did. I started creating my Op. 69.

One foot in front of the other...

3 columns
2 columns
1 column