When you try something new and you think "It's not for me" ^_^

I think one of my best "characteristics" is my needed to discover and try different tecniques, materials and/or tools, every time I can do it and every time I heard about something new interesting for me. I love to try something new, but I also don't have problems to say that some tools are not for me.

For example, from many months I wanted to try to use a 3D pen to see if it could be a useful tool for me and for my creative works. I premise that I'm not too much intrigued by the plastic material (my favorite materials doing something in 3D are woods and metals), but I was very curious by the idea to create something using this pen.

Thanks to a discount on the price and thanks my hubby @paolobeneforti who was more interested than me by this pen, we bought one of them. 

According with Paolo, I was the first to use it.

Before to start, I watched some tutorials on youtube and I read the instruction inside the 3Dpen's box with attention.

You now I'm an artist, so you can think I started to create some "artistic" sculptures, but you're wrong! 

I started to try to use it creating some rings for me ^_^

I thought was simple and fast, but no! Before to create something less horribles than the first "things" I  almost used all the plastic wires for the pen that I had.

Watching the tutorial I know some people create nice items, interesting forms and awesome things, but the only things I created using this intrigued pen are wonky clusters of plastic.

I tried to create something enough nice for my "standard" for 2-3 days, but at the end I understood this tool is not the right tool for me. ^_^

Even if it was funny, I had to say  that my results are too poor (Horribles!)  and I don't gave enough patience to exercise my hands on do it, so I think I'll use it sometimes just for fun.

I watched many nice and interesting works made by it, but I know my limits and so I left the pen to my hubby, so he can excercise his imagination using it, I'm pretty sure his reselt will be better than mine ^_^

See ya soon


silvia beneforti

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