The Making of A Serial Killer

They are arguably the most mysterious set of people. what goes on in the mind of a serial killer, what drives him to kill, what pleasure he derives from his unusual horror and cruel activities has continued to be far fetched. Most movies and fiction enthusiastics like myself are always fascinated and spell bound by fictious characters sending some chills down our spines while keeping also keeping us entertained. Serial killers have been found to be close to us than just fictious characters, they are regular people we probably share apartments, friendships, drinks and other things with.

They obviously don't walk around with blood on their hands, with vicious looks.
A Serial Killer is defined as

typically a person who murders three or more people, usually in service of abnormal psychological gratification, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant period of time between them.

Serial Killers, Psychopathy And Psychosis

Different explanations - psychiatric, sociology and biological have been given to play a role in why these serial killers will exert violence on others even with no connection whatsoever with the victims.
One thing that is common to all serial killers and Psychopaths is lack of remorse and empathy, but unlike the serial killers, Psychopaths are more common in our society. They are focussed and ruthless in their business or other kind of dealings, they even see nothing wrong in using amoral ways to achieve their goals but they are not killers.
Psychopaths are not necessarily serial killers,

but killing a human and making it a object of pleasure while inflicting fatal pain in the height of Psychopathy. Some Serial Killers however have a clear case of Psychosis.
According to Wikipedia,

Psychosis is an abnormal condition of the mind that results in difficulties telling what is real and what is not. Symptoms may include false beliefs and seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear. Other symptoms may include incoherent speech and behavior that is inappropriate for the situation.

A Psychotic Serial Killer has lost has touch with reality and not in control of his actions while a Psychopath Serial Killer is fully aware of his vicious actions and derive pleasure and satisfaction from them.

Chromosome Abnormality, Undeveloped Brain and Childhood Abuse - Ingredients to Making a Psychopath.

According to a forensic psychiatrist based in Chicago, Dr. Helen Morrison who has studied and interviewed numerous serial killers, Chromosome Abnormality, Chromosome X, usually expresses itself during puberty. This explains why serial killers are mostly men and made their first killings during that period.
Jim Fallon, a neuroscientist worked extensively on the brain of the psychopaths and discovered parts of their brains are underdeveloped, ventromedial cortex and the dorsolateral cortex which are responsible for decision making and ability to learn from mistakes. This explains why extreme Psychopaths, serial killers do not premeditate on their activities, they act on impulse. And rarely have an afterthought or remorse.
The third ingredient which likely serve as trigger and 'igniting' other 'ingredients' to turn a 'born Psychopath' to a serial killer is Childhood Abuse.

Most Serial killers had a history of abuse in their early lives, though those abuses might seemed not enough to make a killer out of someone. But these set are already genetically and biologically made Psychopaths, and only need a trigger to make them a serial killer.

Spotting one and a cure?

The bitter truth is a serial killer cannot be spotted unless caught in the act. They are charismatic, charming and can lie a whole Lifetime without leaving a clue, a serial Killer can be a colleague, a partner, a family member and they can be so soft and plain, incapable of hurting a fly.

Since they are impossible to spot, extra care must taken meeting especially in a lonely place with a 'not so close' person. There is no cure for psychopathy, no cure for a Psychopath serial killer. Psychosis Serial killers are suffering from mental disorder, which is a bit manageable unlike psychopathic serial killers who are suffering from personality disorder and both have no fear for any kind of punishment. Prisons rarely reform them.

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