NAHAHA Crowdfunding Contribution Log #1 - Atmotube | NAHAHA的眾籌誌 #1 - Atmotube

I have been contributing to multiple crowdfunding campaigns in the past years. Fortunately, most of the campaigns I contributed were successful and I received the products eventually. I think it is worthwhile to write (unboxing) blog posts for these products - as a log of what I contributed in the past, and also to let more people to know about these products. So here is the first product that I would like to write about: Atmotube.


The Atmotube campaign started in early Nov 2015 on Indiegogo, and eventually completed with 338% of funding goal reached on 09 Jan 2016. The Indiegogo campaign page can be found here.


I backed the Atmotube campaign in early Jan 2016. At that time the estimated delivery time was Mar 2016. However, I did not receive my Atmotube until last Thu (09 Nov 2017). That means it was nearly 2 years after the Atmotube campaign started. And this is indeed my longest wait to receive a crowdfunding product (of course except those campaigns that eventually are known as scams). In fact, I was thinking I would not be receiving anything from this campaign until I got an email from the Atmotube team around 2 months ago that they would like to confirm my shipping address.


So what is this Atmotube all about? It is a portable air pollution monitor. You can bring this 40-gram little device with you, and connect it with the mobile app to monitor the pollution status of air around you. Atmotube is able to detect the volatile organic compounds (VOC, e.g. formaldehyde, benzene, etc.) and carbon monoxide, which would cause irritation and affect people’s health. The Atmotube team introduced a parameter called Air Quality Score (AQS), ranging from 0 to 100, to quantify the air quality (the higher the better). At the same time, the Atmotube can measure temperature and humidity.


The following is the unboxing of my Atmotube:


Cylindrical packaging


Content in the packaging: USB Type C cable × 1, carabiner × 1, user manual × 1, Atmotube × 1 (in the paper tube)

包裝內有一條USB Type-C電線、一個金屬扣、一份用戶手冊、以及Atmotube一支(在紙筒內)。

Atmotube: airflow mesh on top, a RGB LED and a round button at the side.


Atmotube: the other side.


Atmotube: USB Type-C socket, a half ring for hanging to the carabiner.

底部有USB Type-C端口,以及一個半環扣。

After switching on, the Atmotube would take up to an hour to warm up, before it can take accurate readings. When pressing the button, you can read the colour of the LED light to know the air quality.


  • Blue 藍色: Good 良好 (AQS 81-100)
  • Green 綠色: Moderate 中等 (AQS 61-80)
  • Yellow 黃色: Polluted 污濁 (AQS 41-60)
  • Orange 橙色: Very Polluted 非常污濁 (AQS 21-40)
  • Red 紅色: Severely Polluted 嚴重污濁 (AQS 0-20)

The mobile app, which has versions for Android and iOS, is available for free download. Once installed, the app will connect the Atmotube via Bluetooth 4.0 LE and obtain the readings of AQS, humidity and temperate.


The app would also show the total time measured and average AQS score.


There is also a screen showing the full history of measure during the day.


The app can also record the location of readings taking, and display on Google Map. If you want to, you can share the location air quality readings with Atmotube team, so Atmotube team will be able to create a worldwide air quality map for public viewing.


There is a configurable notification to alarm you on bad air quality. (Default is to notify when AQS drops below 50.)


One interesting thing is, it is not possible to switch off the Atmotube without the mobile app.


My comments:


  • The Atmotube is an interesting gadget to give you an idea on the air quality of the places you go.

  • Atmotube的確是一件挺有趣的小玩意,讓我對所到之處的空氣質素有所認知。

  • It is small in size (22mm in diameter, 66mm tall, weights 42g), so there should be no hurdle to bring it wherever you go.

  • Atmotube非常小巧(管身直徑22毫米,高66毫米,重42克),帶着它外出絕對不會是負累。

  • If the Atmotube is not connected to the app for hours, it could take the app a while to synchronize the readings recorded in the Atmotube. This appeared to slow the app a bit.

  • 如果Atmotube沒有跟專屬app連線一段時間的話,再連線時會花點時間將數據同步,期間專屬app的反應會有些遲緩。

  • On the day I tried the Atmotube, most of the time I spent was either in air-conditioned indoor locations or on train. Air quality stayed between moderate and good. There is no obvious way to determine whether the readings from the Atmotube are accurate or not.

  • 我試用Atmotube當天,大部份時間不是在有空調的室內,就是在地鐵列車中。期間它所測量到的空氣質素介乎良好下限至中等上限。然而,我是沒有辦法證實它的讀數是否準確的。(所以當玩具玩玩就好。)

  • Worst air quality was measured in a lift that was full of passengers in the office building – not surprising but interesting!

  • 當天空氣質素最差的讀數,出現在早晨上班時間辦公室大樓滿載的升降機內──不意外啊!

Next time I will share some other crowdfunded products I received. Stay tune!


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