[Crowd Funding] Steemit Homeless Ambassador RV - Campaign Update #2!

Previous Posts in the Campaign

Original Post | Update #1

About a week ago I came up with this idea originally, through numerous conversations with other steemians the idea has been revamped and improved over the last week. This post will summarize the new (revised) idea.

Revised Campaign

There are multiple homeless Steemians around the world, and the United States; which what initially gave me this idea. We all love and believe in Steemit and most of us are very active on Steemit.com and in the Steemit eco-system. The idea that some of Steemit's most active users are homeless bothers me, not only because I am one of them but because there are so many of us. So I came up with the idea for Crowdfunding a Steemit Bus/RV for Homeless Steemians to live on as they travel around promoting Steemit.com. It is a win win for everyone involved in Steemit for this to become a reality.

Imagine a Party Bus like the one pictured above. It will be retrofitted with living quarters for up to 5 people, including full kitchen, bathroom, etc. It will then be wrapped (completely covered exterior of bus except front windows) with Steemit Promotional Gear and Advertisements. Once the "Steemit Homeless Ambassador RV" is on the road the occupants will travel around Promoting Steemit (picking up any additional Homeless Steemians who want to join the adventure) and documenting their travels via Blog Posts to Steemit.com. The "Steemit Homeless Ambassador RV" will be self-sustaining once on the road, earning money from it's Steemit Posts to keep traveling and promoting Steemit.

Current State of Donations

So far donations have been slow coming, but they are coming. They have all been via Steem/SBD so far. All SBD Donations are being converted (immediately) to Steem for two reasons: 1) It is easier to keep track of what is Donations and what is normal earnings if all donations are converted to Steem, 2.) The price of steem will likely continue to rise over the course of this campaign, making it easier to hit the goal.

* 10 SBD from @mitchiesfoodrace (Converted to 7.646 Steem)

* 100 Steem from @cryptomancer

* 10 SBD from @bulleth (Converted to 7.646 Steem)

* 79 SBD from @benjojo (Giving Steem Initiative) (Converted to 60.728 Steem)

* 176.02 Steem total in donations so far!

Since donations haven't gone as well as hoped, and upon suggestion from fellow Steemians, I will be adding some incentives to donate (below).

Why should I donate?

The back of the "Steemit Homeless Ambassador RV" is for rent. Meaning, the back of the RV will have a "Made Possible By:" section as well as "Sponsored By:" sections. So if you donate:

* $25 USD (or equivalent) your name (or steemit id) will be displayed in the "Made Possible By" section

* $50 USD (or equivalent) your name and steemit id will be displayed in the "Made Possible By" section

* $100 USD (or equivalent) your Picture (or Emoji), your name and steemit id will be displayed in the "Made Possible By" section

* $250 USD (or equivalent) receives Text Only (up to 50 characters) spot in the "Sponsored By" section

* $500 USD (or equivalent) receives a Banner-Ad style placement (1 inch by 4 inch) in the "Sponsored By" section

* $1000 USD (or equivalent) receives a Banner-Ad style placement (2 inch by 4 inch) in the "Sponsored By" section

* $2500 USD (or equivalent) receives a Medium Ad placement (4 inch by 10 inch) in the "Sponsored By" section

* $5000 USD (or equivalent) receives a Large Ad placement (8 inches by 12 inches) in the "Sponsored By" section

* Donate the Party Bus to be converted and receive our undying gratitude and the entire top (12 inches tall by width of the bus) advertisement for whomever/whatever you want.

Additional Info!

As most of you now I am currently one of the many homeless steemians. I am doing regular and daily posts about my homelessness, photography, poetry and a book I am working on titled "Analysis of Homelessness - The Who, How and Why!". I am currently not working, but looking. I have been approved to drive for Uber but have yet to acquire a car to do it with. My van is also "dead in the water" so I am stuck staying in a motel and hoping I can keep earning enough from Steemit to pay my bills/motel until I get to work again.

I only mention that (last paragraph) to say this: Once I get back to work, any monies I earn (from steemit or IRL) that aren't earmarked for bills/food/necessities I will be donating to the "Steemit Homeless Ambassador RV". I believe in this idea and steemit and will not only put my time and effort into this project but also my money.

I am also hoping that this project will gain support from @ned, @steemit, @dan, @dantheman and others in the Steemit, Inc. management and developer teams. This campaign isn't just to benefit me, it will benefit Homeless Steemians and Steemit, Inc. as well. So please share/resteem this post anywhere and everywhere you can and lets get the word out there.


If you are a traveler, homeless, vagabonding, couchsurfing or just have the spirit of a Nomad then join us over at #teemnomad on PAL Discord here: https://discord.gg/SgJfQkH

"Freedom is living, living isn't freedom!" - by Richard Colbert (aka @venuspcs)




I am a proud supporter of minnowsupportproject (aka minnowsupport), if you haven't already joined check them out over on their Discord Channel by clicking below:


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