THE STEEMIT CROWDSOURCED VIDEO #2 - get 1 steem today! - only 11 lines left!

if you have already uploaded a video can you re-send it to my via google drive, dropbox, wetransfer or something like that, appears that messed up somewhere along the line and i don't have the videos for #2 -- will memo everyone to ask you too. cheers!

sorry for the lack of updates on this, third time push, 11 lines are left so tell your friends, grab ya mobile phone, record the line, send it over to the link and get the spreadsheet filled out with the line that you have taken. i'm excited to stitch this one together, some new faces. do share this with your communities, give the post an upvote and share over your favorite discord channel. i really want to finish this, i have the funds to convert the SBD to STEEM so please, get your lines assigned and let's get video #2 done!

greetings people

i want to get this one locked in, finished and done, in the bag and sorted so we can think about what we are going to talk about in the next video, because the next video will probably be at STEEMFEST 2 (omg, how exciting) -- i think i'm gonna try and build up a bigger budget for that, might need like 100 steem (1 steem each to pay people) i realise that a lot of people might not want payment because it's a small payment but it's a thank you, a digital moment, a memo on the blockchain to say thank you, to exchange value, like buying some one a beer (albeit small one!) or a shot and toasting to the success of the platform! - guess i need to start writing the lines and get that printed out! :) <— PICK A LINE! :)

if you don’t know what i’m on about, quickly review the first video we did, it was fantastic, everyone that wanted payment was paid for their quick time to record the line, i stitched them together, made overlays and picked some music to go over the top, i wanna do that again because i loved making it, making is my thing, it keeps me creatively on top of things.

ideas and software to record a video

if you have a mac :
you could use photo booth, pretty sure that comes on all macs pre-installed, export the video and drag and drop that across, that should be pretty quick to do, alternatively you could use quicktime player and do new video recording, just check your webcam and audio input source are correct.

if you have a pc :
i’ve not had a windows machine for a number of years now but i’m sure you have stacks of programs to make a video file, if possible export or save in .mp4 format otherwise i have to convert them from .avi or .wmv - try the website download for pc if you don’t have an app.

record using website and webcam - records a .webm format, i can use this. - record from cam, push to youtube even (send me link) - pc and mac, really cool.

if you have a mobile phone:
try and record the video in 16:9 mode, that is on it’s side not vertical as the final video will look better, ideally in full hd quality. email that video to yourself and then drag and drop that to or direct messsage me on if you need other ways to send it.

instructions in sending in your video

  1. head over to this spreadsheet - - put your @steemname next to the line you will read back for me on video.
  2. can ignore bad video quality but not bad audio, audio needs to be clear, make sure you pause before you say the line and after so we can cut it together, close up shots, styled shots, fun shots, walking, turning to camera, just make sure your face is ideally in the centre of the screen.
  3. please title the video file with @steemitname if possible just makes it easier for me to know where it’s from and where it fits in.
  4. upload that video to me by dragging and dropping it here - please try and keep the video files small - drop me a comment to check i received it please.
  5. once i’ve received and verified the video from you i’ll send you payment to your steemit account.

the ELEVEN LINES left! pick and record today!

[ available ] the social blockchain is global and distributed
[ available ] witnessed by the passing of data between machines
[ available ] shared among many and voted on with our clicks
[ available ] flocking together in swarms of action and determination
[ available ] step by step, a few moments in time further on
[ available ] for many this blockchain is a place they call home
[ available ] where copies of those moments exist forever
[ available ] past, present and future legacy written away
[ available ] waiting for generations to consume and to debat
[ available ] making the world seem a little bit more manageable
[ available ] but we can course correct and change our own behaviours

we are waiting for you! :)

if you missed out from being in the first video this is a perfect time to get in, remember i’m paying 1 steem per line of video (limited to one line per person as before) and i want to build on these so we have a collection, i’d like them to be a playlist set at some point of videos that can be distributed to interactive and blockchain events around the world to be displayed on screens maybe, totally for free so good exposure for steem and all those people involved.

spread the steemit blockchain love! :)
teamhumble x

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