[Hae-Joo] What the Crown Chakra Means to Me - #TeamGirlPowa Crown Fundraiser

This post is in relation to a Fundraiser that I am participating in to help one of the members from our #TeamGirlPower Steemit Discord group. We’re trying to raise enough SBDs to help with an expensive dental operation that she needs, which is considered an ’esthetic’ operation (as if having a crown on a broken tooth was a luxury… Ridiculous...)

To help with the Fundraiser, you can head over to the Fundraiser Steemit Post that our friend @ellievallie made Here

The theme for the fundraiser is ‘The Crown’, and we’ll all be contributing posts to this fundraising effort, and sending all the SBDs we collectively raise to our friend @ArtsyGoddess. I invite everybody interested in helping with the effort to write a 'Crown' related post and go share it on the Fundraising page, and also upvote any pieces that you found worthy of this cause of ours!

I hope you will all help us raise this money in an effort to help support our good friend and fellow Steemian who is in need of our help! Thank you!

The Crown Chakra


The Crown Chakra is the final Earthly chakra that connects our Incarnate Spiritual Essence to the Greater Cosmic Consciousness.

It is like a portal through which the Divine pours into our Human Consciousness and fills our life with blessings and insight. The Crown-Chakra is connected with our Highest-Spiritual Body, which is the Body of Pure Light and Love that forms the basis of the Unity of our Universal Consciousness.

The Energetic Body attached to the Crown Chakra


This Body is known by many different names in the various mystery traditions of the world:

In Sufism, it is referred to as The Most Sacred Body, Wujud Al-Aqdas, and True and Genuine Body, Jism Asli Haqiqi

In Taoism and Vajrayana is it called The Diamond Body

In Tibetan Buddhism, it is named The Light Body, or Rainbow Body

The Body of Bliss in Kriya Yoga

And The Immortal Body, Soma Athanaton, in Hermeticism.

The Power of the Crown Chakra

All of our Higher Thoughts, Intents and Intuitions all filter down from Cosmic Hyperspace through the Crown Chakra, and into our Energetic System (Our Consciousness), where they then flow downward through our various Chakras and Associated Transitional and Temporal Bodies, thus shaping the experiences, thoughts and emotions that we experience in our day-to-day lives.

A closed, under active, or imbalanced Crown Chakra will thus lead to mixed experiences in our lives.

Instead of experiencing perfect, divine-flow and synchronicity everywhere we turn(always catching the subway before it leaves, just catching the elevator as someone is going up, finding that $100 bill on the floor, seeing the Number One everywhere, Discovering your Soul Purpose and Living Out Your Dreams everyday, you name it...)

This would be the natural way of the world if all of our Chakras were perfectly balanced and aligned.

The lucky ones among us only notice this kind of synchronicity from time to time, because we are fluctuating in-and-out of alignment as we swing from one pole to another, while the ones who would have no idea what I'm talking about, remain perpetually ignorant about this form of consciousness because their Crown Chakra is completely closed and they have never even become aware that such Perfection actually exists in our Universe...

The Closing of my Crown Chakra

Before I turned 18 years old and experienced my first mystical experience, I had a very different vision of the world than I do now.

I used to consider myself an atheist, a skeptic, a devout preacher of scientism, a materialist-reductionist... You name it.
I was like a 16 year-old Richard Dawkins... Sad, really.

I'd been exposed to a lot of bullying in an elitist private school, and had decided to bury my real self below layers and layers of ego-projections and conjectures... I'd essentially lost myself, and I was just projecting an image of myself that I thought the people around me would accept, just to stave off the unrelenting attacks that were coming my way from being healthy in an unhealthy environment.

I don't think I would have done this as a younger child, but between moving from the country-side farm I grew up on to the big city life, a bitter divorce between parents in crisis, and joining a new school full of kids who had already burried their real selves a long time before me, all the sense of security and stability that I had experienced growing up had suddenly vanished, and one by one, all of my chakras locked down as part of our energetic defense mechanism.

After several years of living like this, there was really nothing good about me anymore. I was just Shadow.

I didn't allow any Light to shine through anymore. My crown was shut tight.

My Experience Re-Opening My Crown Chakra

I was 18 years old, had just graduated from high-school, and was experiencing my own personal Summer of Love.

I fell in love with the First One, Ornella, and was passionately opening up my Heart Chakra to the Universal Energy of Love and letting my Light shine more than it ever had in nearly a decade.

The ground beneath my feet was also leading me to discover several mystic's esoteric philosophies.

A few months prior to graduating high-school, I came across the writings of Giordano Bruno, the 16th century Dominican friar who was burned at the stake for his then outlandish ideas about the Cosmos.

He is generally considered to be the Father of Science Fiction, as well as the chief theologian of Pantheism.

I remember reading his views on the nature of matter. In his view, a pebble, a drop of water, a tree, the sky, the Sun, the human-mind, were all Spirit, all part of an over-arching Singularity, a grand Oneness.

These ideas were all causing my 3rd Eye to start opening.

Once all of my Chakras began to align and balance each other out, after such a long time of imbalance, the ground-work was being laid for my Crown Chakra Awakening.

All it took was the experience of having a small overdose on MDMA, and I experienced a Full-Blown Crown Chakra Opening.

I was taken out of my physical body, out of my material experience, and lifted into Hyperspace, into the Light Body or Immortal Body


This is what being fully present in the Light Body feels like. It's completely other-wordly, and there aren't really any words to describe it except that it comes with the emotional state of Pure Bliss and Inner Peace

White Light Poured Down Into My Being, And I Was Elevated To A State of Awareness So High That I Ascended To A Higher Plane Of Existence.

There, I experienced Visions of Past-Lives, was shown Sacred Geometric Shapes of Celestial Cycles, was made aware of the existence of the Akashic Record and was spoken to by the Single Level of Consciousness that exists above this state: The Logos.

I heard the voice of God, Allah, the Aten, the All.

Whatever the word that people feel comfortable using, I experienced this state of consciousness. It can only be experienced by fully-aligning all the 7-chakras, and thus being in alignment with our Higher-Self.

The drugs merely induced this opening, but I have no recollection of anything that happened in my physical body or mind...

All of this happened in Hyperspace.

I would like to point out to those who find this story quite remarkable and hard-to-believe, that this has actually been a fairly common human experience.

Not common like stubbing your toe, which stems from having an under active Crown Chakra and being out of alignment with oneself (even so slightly! It really makes that kind of a small difference!)

Unfortunately, it is much more common to be out of perfect alignment than it is to be in perfect alignment... Think of it as having a Perfect Solar Eclipse or something... I mean you need to be in the exact right spot at the exact right time to be able to experience something like this...

But it happens...

So often that spiritual traditions of all sorts have propped up here and there throughout history to try and understand and study this phenomena.

The latest movement to have propped up to study this phenomena was called Theosophy, which claimed that the is an objective spiritual world that man can understand and travel to.

And a spin-off of this movement was called Anthroposophy, as developed by Rudolf Steiner.

Expect many, many posts coming from me about Anthroposophy, as I think it is the deepest esoteric Study of Man that is currently available to human beings.

And that about concludes this #TeamGirlPower Special-Fundraiser-Post on the theme of The Crown.
All SBDs will be going to the cause of helping @ArtsyGoddess with her own crown problem!
So feel free to generously upvote!

Thanks for taking the time to read this lengthy piece, and upvoting, following or resteeming if you found this article compelling and interesting.
Shout-out to all the wonderful peeps at #GirlPower Discord! I see tremendous potential in you wonderful human beings! Hope we raise all the money by the end of the week! Will be in touch with you all!

Peace and Love,



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