Here's another 5 reasons to get BlockPay out there...

Ambassador handshake

Do you use crypto-currencies yet? How about STEEM? Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Peercoin or Dash?

The BlockPay Ambassadors Program

  • You want to pay at your favorite merchant with the Wallet on your smartphone.
  • You want to earn passive income (up to 15% shared on every BlockPay transaction)
  • You know merchants are looking for more Sales and Volume.
  • You know of some great places in your area where digital currency acceptance will be ideal.
  • You want to get in early so that you can secure the income from this and not "that other guy".

Ambassador Client

Whether the merchant is a grocery chain, restaurant, bar, retail store, vending machine manufacturer or even a slew of kiosks, BlockPay is easily integrated with them and a whole lot more.

BlockPay enables any merchant (in 44 languages) to accept 1 or more digital currencies at Zero Cost. This includes Smartcoins (bitUSD, bitCNY, bitEUR, bitCAD, bitARS, etc), Bitcoin, STEEM, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, Dogecoin and many more.

As of this morning (Tues, July 19th), BitShares Munich currently has Ambassadors in:
Munich, Taiwan, Russia, Ukraine, New York City, Barcelona, Monterey, Mexico, Greece, Nordic Region, Australia, India, Paris, Argentina, Romania, Ecuador, Nepal, Israel, Central America, China, Brazil, Canada and Poland.

For more info, please contact the BitShares Munich CMO at:

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