XRP moves to #3 spot on coinmarketcap.com replacing BCH

Hello friends,

While all the fans of Ripple and its token XRP are eagerly waiting what its last 1 of their clues to their announcement is, XRP silently moved to replace BCH and taking its spot where it belongs, at least for now..... Now the answer everyone is eagerly waiting for is what is the next big thing. We will have to wait and see little longer as the news should come out sometime today. If it is significant it can even rise high enough and take ETH and sit on the second spot right behind BTC. If the news does not live its expectations then we can see a drop in the price and the correction. Neverthelless, knowing Ripple team and how they operate it should be significant enough to make some moves.



OMG, they are just teasing us! XRP/Ripple. Another tweet....
Ripple/XRP - what is behind the price rise as of yesterday?
XRP/Ripple making upward moves!

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