Worried About the BitCoin Hard Fork? Read this.


Hey there,

By no stretch of the imagination am I a crypto trader. In fact, if anything, I'm about as knowledgeable as sea urchin.

However, like most respectable sea urchins I'm self aware and know how to make my natural cowardice gel with my prickly exterior.

So, when a good buddy of mine, Marty Yavorcik, shared with me his system for deferring taxes while sheltering funds outside the volatile crypto markets, I new I need to share it.

You see, in times like these a safe harbor is an awesome thing to have!

Not only does it give you up to 6 months of tax deferment, but it also will help you avoid all of those pesky withdrawal limits and exchange blockages.


Go here http://trk.greenlight.digital/swapper and check it out!

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