Crypto Income 2 : More Choices Available

One of the goals of Blockchain Technologies and Cryptocurrencies is to provide people with income streams they didn’t have before and monetize resources or activities that they gave away for free. Obviously, you will not be rich by just listening to radio online or by collecting some tokens and this is not the point.

The point is that we there is a paradigm shift and we can take advantage of it. We listen to music anyway, so why not listen and earn a few cryptos. Why not spend 5 minutes per day and collect some tokens here and there that we can spend to buy something. And bear in mind that all those projects are in their infancy, few months or even weeks old, so you never know those pennies of today what will be valued in a couple of years.

The more I research on this subject the more projects I find and I am going to present them to you. I will write my opinion, what works for me and what not. These are not set in stone, things do change and if you have another opinion or perspective feel free to share it with me.

So, let’s see what I’ve got this week.

First of all, clever url. We have to give it to them. This is an online streaming service that you get paid according to the time you spend listening to their stations. The first step is to register an account and after you do, this is your profile page.

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In the middle, you can search for a station, but I suggest you browse by music genre.

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There is something for every taste. I like heavy metal and here’s what I got.

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I’ve been listening the first station for quite some time and I like it. A lot of classic 80s stuff that I grew up with.

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And there is more. By listening to that station I earned ( as of today 17-04-2018 ) the staggering amount of 0.42 BRO. BRO is the crypto token connected to this project and if you coinmarketcap it you will see the following.

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I told you that you will not be rich by listening to online radio, but if you do give it a try and get some BROs , bro …

If you want to try it this is my referral link

There is a wallet and you can stake the tokens and get rewards, but I haven’t explored this functionality yet. If anyone knows how it works, please let me know.

Swift Demand

This is a basic income project. You sign up an account. Then you login every day to collect 100 swifts.
This token exists only in the platform and you can use it to buy items that also exist in the platform.

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I claimed my tokens and let’s see what I can get by clicking at the store.

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Not really much, but I will keep on collecting my swifts and see if I can get something of interest. And I have a referral link you can use.


Last and least this cloud miner. They have several products most notably a cloud mining service.

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You can buy GHs , but as you see the break even period is 61 months.

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When I saw that I completely lost interest. In my opinion, you are far better off buy some bitcoin and in five year’s time you will surely have bigger ROI. Correct me if I am wrong.

But is it not useless. They have a faucet. And they include Steem. Sign in everyday and collect Steem pennies. At least Steem has a value that we all know of. And I have a referral link, but I won’t bug with that.

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That was from me for this week. Next week I will return with new projects or updates to something that I already do.

Now, it is your turn. If you have any projects worth mentioning share them here. In some point I want to gather them all up and create a mega post/guide of all crypto income ways.

And until we make a lot of crypto money …
Be Healthy, Smile and Steem.


DISCLAIMER : I am not a financial advisor. This is not a financial advice. This is not suggestion to invest. This article is for educational purposes only and everything covered here is my personal opinion and bias. Always do your own due diligence and act upon it. Know that there is risk and money could potentially be lost. Last, bear in mind that my results may not be typical.

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