The Power of Steem

I was beyond excited to learn that steem existed in the crypto space. It's an incredible tool for musicians, influencers, artists, and crypto-lovers alike; I believe it has established an extremely innovative platform that incentivizes consistent quality content. Rewarding quality has been an issue in the social media space for over a decade, as facebook, twitter, and instagram algorithms have boosted memes and clickbait to the top of everyone's feed. The important content is usually left behind, as algorithms are programmed by the centralized social platform, restricting users from truly controlling their own feeds. I'm not sure about you all but I'm sick of that, and love the opportunity that steemit has created. It feels like reddit on crypto steroids, and I really believe that it's only a matter of time before more influencers adopt the platform, pushing it to the forefront of the social media space as a whole.

Since now joining, I'm going to make it my mission to encourage other influencers to join the platform, so that they too can take advantage of everything steem has to offer!

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