Well Good Morning, Crypto

I woke up early this morning to a pleasant surprise as many of my favorite cryptocurrencies are on the rise. Bitcoin, STEEM, BitShares, PIVX, and my most recent fascination, Stratis.

I wanted to do a quick post because I just powered up a bit to get above 50,000 Steem Power (#228 on the richlist!) which feels like an important milestone I should have on the blockchain somewhere. I try to avoid so many "Hey, look at me!" posts, so I'll add a little value for you here as well.

Have you heard of Coinigy? It's a pretty amazing trading platform that I see in so many of the YouTube videos I've been watching to learn about crypto trading. Not only does it give you detailed charts, trading tools, and alerts, you can actually hook it into your exchange accounts so you can trade right from their interface via API keys! It's pretty cool to see all your various crypto balances right there as well.

Here are some screens that put a smile on my face this morning.





Edit: this screenshot was taking at 2pm while the others were in the morning. @nutela noticed I accidentally had the wrong market in the original with BTC/STRAT instead of STRAT/BTC

😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊

Coinigy is pretty impressive. I'm on a thirty day trial right now, but if I keep using it and find it useful, I might end up paying for a subscription.

Another tool I wanted to let you know about is Blockfolio which is a mobile app for keeping track of your portfolio holdings and their current value, similar to the spreadsheet I created which you can copy for free.

Trading Cryptocurrencies Is Amazing Right Now

I've blocked out the balances and amount of increase, but you can see from this screenshot how much my portfolio of crypto holdings have gone up in such a short period of time. That's exciting stuff! Hopefully it's not an indicator of larger global problems with North Korea, Syria, or any other country the US may be bombing today to keep their strangle hold on the world reserve currency.

I get so excited about cryptocurrencies doing well not just because I love seeing my personal net worth go up (and trust me, I really do love that part), but because I see it as one of the most practical steps toward increasing freedom in the world. Humans free to provide value to one another and control the result is a beautiful thing. Fiat currencies (i.e. those created by government decree) are losing purchasing power via inflation at the benefit of some and the detriment of most.

Crypto provides a path towards a future where we can all benefit.

I hope you have a great Easter weekend!

Steem On

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.

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