How Steemit Introduced Me To Cryptocurrency Investing And Opened Up A New World Of Possibilities

I'm new to cryptocurrncies and by no means an expert. I was first introduced to the whole digital cash world when I got involved in Steemit. I read somewhere that that was one of the original intentions of creating Steemit, specifically to introduce the masses to the cryptocurrency world.

If that was the mission it was definitely accomplished. What started as gently dipping my toe into the crypto waters has turned into a bit of an obsession with varying but overall profitable results.

I wouldn't go so far as giving investment advice but there are a few coins that I have purchased at what seems the perfect time and it lit a fire in me that will not soon be extinguished. I have a feeling many of you on Steemit have the same obsession and so I want to share with you some of the best buys I have found in the world of cryptocurrencies so far.

First I invested in Bitcoin, Dash, and Etherium with a buy and hold strategy and I will continue to buy them and hold them.

Some of the more exciting investments I have made are:


PIVX is one of the more promising coins I bought into. They are a combination of the Bitcoin and the Dash protocols and seem to have incorporated the best of both of those platforms. PIVX has super fast transaction times and very low fees and also allow you to earn coins by staking or holding coins in your wallet.

Their website describes themselves as:

PIVX, Private Instant Verified Transaction, is a privacy-focused, decentralized, open source cryptocurrency run by a global community run by creators, innovators, and technology enthusiasts. credit

I bought some on and was lucky enough to get in at .16 cents and bought some more at .48 cents and again just two days ago at $1.17. Today it is trading at $1.53 which puts a smile on my face and I believe it will continue to climb over the next few months.

Looking at their roadmap they seem to have a plan and are moving in the right direction. Another thing I like about PIVX is that they built the community first before pumping the coin through marketing whereas most coins do it the other way around. That's also what I like about Steemit. Building a community before building up the coin is a good strategy in my opinion.

Like Dash, they reserve 10% of all coins generated for a treasury for future projects and anyone can submit a proposal to the community to vote on for approval. I can feel my gears turning and will probably submit a proposal of my own in the near future

The community is very active and helpful and can be found on Slack and they also have a forum

Watch The PIVX Video


I have climbed aboard the ARK in a big way and just in time it seems. This coin has come out of nowhere and looks very promising, They have developed some new innovations I have not seen in a crypto coin before and should make it easier for non tech people to use.

ARK provides users with innovative use cases through the development and integration of technologies that power the blockchain universe. Highly flexible and adaptable, ARK is a secure platform designed for mass adoption and will deliver the services that consumers want. credit

Ark is integrating a physical card system as well as a digital coin and creating a peer-to-peer exchange that will work on all social media platforms so people can exchange value on multiple platforms. They are also working on something they call SmartBridge that will enable cross blockchain interactions.

In their own words:

Ark will bridge other blockchains via a vendor field known as the SmartBridge. This includes, but is not limited to: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Lisk. credit

I got into ARK when it was .0693 cents and today it is trading at .1639 cents and climbing. It's not too late to grab some and I'll probably grab more.

Watch The ARK Video


Ripple is the banking system's way of capitalizing on blockchain technology. It's by no means a decentralized blockchain as it is controlled and used by banks but they benefit from the cheap and fast international transactions.

I figure banks are not going to let this technology slip past them and as more banks sign on ith Ripple the potential for the price to go up is good. Why not play both sides of the coin so to speak so I bought some.

I got in at .0063 cents and today it is selling for .0341 which again makes me happy.

Watch The Ripple Video

All of these coins I plan to hold for the long term and will continue to buy more so I will keep you posted on their developments. It has been a great success so far and has opened up a new world of possibilities for the future and for that I will always be grateful to Steemit and this community for showing me a new vision for my life. Thanks guys!

One other coin I have been looking at is BitConnect which trades on its own exchange and the price has been steadily rising and it also pays interest for holding the coins.

If you hold any of these coins please share your experiences and insights. I'm curious to learn more and besides, that's what the community of Steemit is all about.


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