Tomorrow I Will Be Giving My First Speech About Cryptocurrency At A Dash Sponsored Event

Lots of exciting things happening in my life lately. Tomorrow I'm giving a speech in Cancun at the Grand Oasis to a group of business owners on the benefits of accepting cryptocurrencies.

My first speech about crypto.png

The event is sponsored by Dash who sponsored The Bitcuners who are hosting the event. Also speaking at the event is a well known person in the crypto space named Juan Galt.

You can watch a speech of his given at Anarchapulco 2016 here.

DASH is better money than Bitcoin. Anarchapulco 2016 Speech

You can also read more articles written by Juan Galt on here

I think the event is being recorded so I'll make a post about it with some highlights after the event. This will be my first time speaking about crypto to an audience at an event like this and I'm really looking forward to it.

The Bitcuners generously paid for a room at the resort for me to stay overnight and mingle with the attendees. Very cool. Thanks Bitcuners and thanks Dash.

Then the next day when I return to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico I move into my new apartment which I'm very excited about. As fun as the Hostel Rio has been I'm ready to move into my new place. Will do a post about it and once I get settled in and have a housewarming party.

Life is good and cryptocurrencies, starting with Steem, has changed my life for the better. Love it.

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