Crypto Climb Back: The Struggle to break resistance

After a major downfall the crypto currency market is climbing back again trying to break resistance. The past 2 months were not good enough for the markets as we see most alt coins along main coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin were bleeding hard as an after effect of negative news which floated across the globe.

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The recent G20 meet of nations were expected to give another blow to the market, fortunately it turned out to be good instead. And as a result the market slowly started recovering from the downfall. As i write this by IST 9:55 am Bitcoin and Litecoin are recovering faster, while Ethereum is still slow on recovery.

Litecoin was the strongest in the previous fall and held strong by only dropping very little. It was yet another shopping opportunity which was utilized by the smart investors out there. 

The news about Google and twitter Banning the Ads related to Crypto was the pull factor for the recent market down trend. But again it is crypto volatile nature of it is familiar to investors, so the weak hearted sold out in loss, while the smart guys saw that as an opportunity and bought coins in cheap price. Do that for the next drop and thank me later :)

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