Ethereum vs Bitcoin. Does ethereum i better investment

Ethereum is now at 350$ and many say it will take the firs place coin over BTC .
It have long way to go but there are many who are scared what will happend with BTC on august 1st (Bitcoin SegWit Activation August 1: New Bitcoin Improvement Protocol)
So ethereum has some important characteristics which give it a competitive advantage.

  1. The first of which relates to transaction times. It currently takes about 12 minutes on average to confirm a Bitcoin transaction, while it takes Ethereum is only around 12–15 seconds to do so.
  2. Secondly, Ethereum has the ability to run “smart contracts,” which are code functions which can handle legal functions, data storage, information processes and more. Bitcoin, not so much (although this may be changing soon). This gives Ethereum the prime advantage of added utility over just being a currency. Should Bitcoin not keep pace with Ethereum in this arms race, Ethereum could see better adoption rates.
    ETH or BTC this will be a hard question in the future
    Here some news to make u decide
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