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University Students Are Ditching Investment Banking For “Innovation”

-- Demand Fintech, Blockchain Courses and MBAs

June 9, 2017 |

A shortage of talent and skills related to blockchain technology specifically, and Fintech more generally, has recently developed as demand has increased considerably.

In response, American universities are now offering new Fintech courses, “driven by student demand,” university officials say, but as the field is very new they are finding it difficult to construct a syllabus.

“For fintech, some people mean bitcoin and cryptocurrencies; some people mean the technology JPMorgan uses for trading. Everyone thinks it’s sexy, and a lot of people use it colloquially without knowing what it is,” Angela Lee, Columbia Business School’s chief innovation officer, told Reuters.

What the students mean is probably blockchain technology as the recent boom has made this space cool with entrepreneurs now raising millions in seconds for innovative projects. Moreover, as everything is just starting out, there are so many opportunities in so many areas, with this space lacking any barriers.

More broadly, every financial institution has a blockchain lab now, with consultants telling them to ignore costs, ignore any regulatory or other uncertainties, and move full speed ahead as there may be strategic considerations – by which the consultants probably mean they may be disrupted, either by start-ups or competitors that take full advantage of new tech.

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