Fact: My Trust In Steem ( and top crypto´s ) Is Unshakable: A Steemit weekend blog

Just like a marriage vow most people take: for better and for worse, my trust and love for cryptos will not be shaken by downtrend / loss of market capitalization due to haters spreading Fud in order to take back control from the common people. According to coinmarket cap steem , SBD, Bitcoin and other top altcoins are in red zone-, which led to panic and FUD from inexperienced people who are mostly new in the crypto space. Conversely, however, should we panic or is it an opportunity to buy more and hold in the long run? Here are some few points:

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An Opportunity: The best thing in crypto space is that there are opportunities to making money at least every month. This is amazing because any time haters or fuders spread lies or try to ban an exchange, then common folks like us will have an opportunity to buy top coins/ tokens cheap and hold( sell some at high price to take some profits). Therefore do not look at this decline as a bad thing rather see the volatility as a blessing in disguise to making more money- especially to buying some new undervalued tokens . One good example is Ethereum lyte (see details section of www.elyte.io for full company details , Join and get free elyte via their bounty see link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOcKUUoTU6IKr1qX5osYaWMdVL8-nB5RmroYtYBir6YYof9A/viewform and crowd sale link
ie https://main.elyte.biz/?page_id=433 for their crowd sale / white list )

Strong community: Cryptocurrencies have large and strong communities hence why the segment will be a success no matter what hatters (Governments, banks, Gold holders, facebook et al ) are doing –spreading fear and lies due to fear of losing out to the common people who benefits from the success of cryptos. Steem ecosystem, for example, has a very large and dedicated community in steemit platform. Real people that will always show their support against all odds because all of us know that steem block chain technology is the best (see my formers posts for details) and thus will be a big success. This led to many smart members buying steem and powering up in order to secure their stake in a top blockchain tech including at steemit –which is the future of social media. Therefore, my weekend blog message is to let you know that this decline in price is an opportunity to buy cheap (and hold long term) and not a time to panic and sell off because doing so will lead to failure in the crypto space.

Do you agree? Send in your comments, resteem in order for others to join and upvote to send in your support.

Click here and read my former post: Digital friends (Facebook, Steemit) vs real life friends :A Simple Comparison

An Advert for a top new crypto www.elyte.io

White List / Crowdsale: We are planning a big payout/Bonus for all those who bought elyte tokens ( this will be calculated in percentage ie the more you buy, the more tokens you will receive). However we will pay only those who bought from our crowdsale ( see link https://main.elyte.biz/?page_id=433 ) and filled the white list form (not from exchanges).
Bounty: we will pay bounty winners before the end of next week (so keep sharing and applying see link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOcKUUoTU6IKr1qX5osYaWMdVL8-nB5RmroYtYBir6YYof9A/viewform ) however only those that bought from our crowdsale (see rule 7) and filled the white list form.
Good News / New Location: Cryptocurrencies are fraught with scams ie many projects hide their teams profile / locations thus no real / registered address. Elyte´s main goal is trust and to build trust and confidence from investors, we´ve indicated our real identities on our website and white paper. We have gone even further to being officially registered in the financial city of the world: London ( remember we are Elyte !!!) I hereby refer you all to details section of elyte.io for elyte´s new location, office address and CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION https://main.elyte.biz/?page_id=621
Thus this will add confidence and improve trust among future investors (feel free to visit our crowdsale , buy and join our white list before its too late).
We are Hiring: We will make changes to our team this month in order to add top professionals that are better qualified to implement our project and better serve our community members.
We are hiring apps and blockchain developers including digital marketers –pls see career section of our website for job openings https://main.elyte.biz/?page_id=169.
Feel free to share this information with all your contacts. On behalf of elyte team, I Wish you all a blessed weekend.

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