⏺CryptoPay! Ordering my new Crypto-Card! Now 6 weeks wait..



I don't usually do this, ever. However, this is a special occasion. I have just ordered my new CryptoPay Bitcoin card for international shipping from the United States.
Now I know, many of you live in the United States, but I am in South Africa, so I need to wait 6 weeks for shipping.
Anyways, let's get to the details. I will be speaking for myself in terms of fees, since where I live, pricing of things would probably differ quite a bit. Crypto-currencies are not as popular here, than some other parts of the world. We don't have any Bitcoin ATM's yet (Although I wish!).

Also, unlike many of you international users, us in South Africa don't have many exchanges either. We use a Bitcoin exchange called Luno. They have a monopoly on our crypto system here, and end up charging a whopping 15%+ deposit fee. That means, I am losing already 15% of my money, just by converting it to BTC, and transferring it to (For example) Bittrex.

Then, up until recently, the only way to withdraw our crypto has been through Luno as well. Well, and what do you know? Of course they are charging us through our asses again. Hectic fees. Besides the fees, is the bank transferring times. They are usually delayed. Nowhere near instant.

This is where CryptoPay just saved my life. A Bitcoin card that works anywhere around the world. Now, international card, hmmm.. That must mean high fees huh? Well, not quite. It works-out to a total of 4% complete transaction cost. Now, I don't know about you, but I am very happy with that. Honestly, it's not even Christmas in August, it's now Christmas all year long! (I don't know what I'm saying, LOL)
Anyways, aside from the fees being astronomically lower, is the fact that it's completely universal. Simple VISA card, that now has no limits. What's the best part? Nothing technical. It's such a simple system. The card-ordering process is just you signing-up, then transferring some BTC to the BTC address they give you for your wallet (I recommend sending at least $20), and then the card costs $20. But if you click on the banner below, you can get a 25% discount for your order. So your international VISA card will only cost you $15 once off. Free shipping worldwide! I'm in love LOL!

You also get the option of just using a virtual card, and that's instant. You just select that, and then you can make online transactions with your crypto-currencies to any major online retailer that accepts online card payments! (Which is majority)
I don't see any negative aspects as of yet to this company. I love the idea, and the simplicity behind what they are doing.
I will make a follow-up post in the next few weeks when I receive my card! Until then, get registered! Talk soon.

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My previous post:
Can you believe this?! I have been copied.

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @cryptonet! Let's give him some support!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️Send-Back Sunday: Does life play tricks on us? Productivity killer!

My previous image-gallery post:
📽Anime gallery: Berserk (Part 2)

My previous milestone:
🖊 Thank you for 1000 followers!! New banner!

My main Instagram account is currently at 36K+ Followers.

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