Don't lose your crypto assets... Secure them in a hardware wallet... I did


I finally got my Leger Nano S and I'm already feeling safer ;)

Yes, not enough can be said about securing your crypto assets with a hardware wallet and not leaving more than necessary for day trading if you are into that on exchanges.

Think of a hardware wallet as a form of cold storage just like a paper wallet so your crypto assets, like bitcoin, ethereum, litecoins and altcoins can be stored offline. That way, your private keys are offline and cannot be hacked.

Yes, a hardware wallet costs money and why would anyone pay for something that might be free. But through my research and I suggest that you do yours too, I learned that the amount of security and peace of mind is a lot more valuable than the little money that one pays for the actual hardware wallet.

I'm also sure if you have any investment in bitcoin, you should be aware about the 1st August 2017 fork that is highly possible if not confirmed on the bitcoin blockchain. With the high possibility of an additional coin, bitcoin cash, experts have been advising everyone who owns bitcoin to get them out of exchanges to be sure that they will recieve the new coin.

As the whole crypto market is still very much in infantcy stage, I foresee many of such things happening in the future as the developers get ready for mass adoption. Now this will be good reason to start thinking about securing your crypto assets can can potentially be worth many folds over in the future.

Now back to my Ledger Nano S...

I'm sure that I'm not the only one giving it a thumbs up :)

It's robust and easy to use with many great reviews.

Let's unbox and see what's in the pacakge.

The USB portable thumbdrive looking device is the Ledger Nano S.


The getting started guide and the very important recovery sheets that one has to record down in own handwriting 24 words that your device will give you only once for recovering your assets and settings in the unfortunate case of a lost device. Yes, with the 24 recovery words, one can get another Leger Nano S and restore whatever was on the lost device.

The cable, lanyard and a keychain attachment for the device.

And there you have it, the entire contents that came with the Ledger Nano S that will let you sleep better at night... Ok, at least, I'm sleeping better now ;)

I recommend Ledger Nano S to secure your crypto assets.
Ledger Nano S is available here -->

We are all on a journey, remember to enjoy the sights and sounds along the way, and do good as often as you can and as much as possible.


Here's a few more from that little voice in my pea-brain head ;)








Here are some useful apps and resources that I use to keep track of my progress on steemit.
My favorite is and you will soon find out why ;)

Secure your cryptocurrencies in a hardware wallet,
I recommend Ledger Nano S available here -->

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