Is Ghana Going To Invest 1% Of State Reserves Into CryptoCurrency?

They say when you cannot beat then, then join them.

Why? Because that would be the wining team.

Bitcoin has been around for some years now and its been speculated by most as scam, others think it would fail at one point or the other.

They have been standing by with negative mindset and wishing for the worst.

But as soon as they start getting hopes and their disbelieve in bitcoin starts strengthening….. The unforeseen forces of the space shuttle tend to send bitcoin to the moon.

Now several alt-coins with different features have sproute up alongside it

It’s not because they don’t have the funds to invest

But they fear what may happen if they plunge in. Some of us wish we knew of bitcoin when it was very young in its infancy and believe in it.

Remember bitcoin is not the end game here. See it as an experiment that set out perfectly in the past with future agenda at hand.

As more coins are been developed and changes are happening each day.

Steemit is going to have its 20th fork soon

I believe one day a cryptocurrency to replace fiat currency completely would emerge. Either from the forks or by new design

Today I saw something in the news and was wondering if this was going to happen or not.

The vice president, Papa-Wassa Chiefy Nduom of a very reputable muti company, Group Nduom has suggested to the Bank of Ghana to diversify its investment portfolio by placing some of its funds in cryptocurrency. Not all, not half, not ten percent but just one percent….

After all that money is not really used for anything, it’s just a buck up fund.

He stated this and I really love it

I think every investment is a gamble. Getting out of your bed in the morning is a gamble. If you are completely preoccupied with risk you won’t do anything…

He further elaborated on some benefits that the country can gain from interacting and creating an enabling environment for cryptocurrency related businesses to strive in the country.

Why buy and stock paper money???

Some rats of mice may even feast on it f givn the chance.

This is a call that the government need to make and I’m glad that someone with a higher reputation (off the steemit blockchain… lol ) has suggested and probably it would be considered than a first degree holder like myself writing blog to tell they professors and emeritus what to do with the finances of the state.

He said, “Everybody agrees with that now…IMF and the rest, they’ve all said blockchain is potentially disruptive technology. Some people think it will get rid of banks. So as a central bank, you’ve got to pay attention.”

Some say it’s a risk, yeah it is.

I personally realized it at the beginning of my cryptocurrency journey.. When I had to baghold some ripples, stellar and digibyte for months without any upward trend…… they weren’t much though but see today?

What is the price of ripple?

Well, I still buy some and it goes down, just like verge is getting me vexed.

But all the same, a time would come when I would be smiling.... I know that!!

I hope the central bank of Ghana takes this note serious and consider it.

If they are afraid of what people would say, they would never accomplish anything

They should just get on with it

Information Source: MyJoyOnline

This is @anaman from #teamghana

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