As a newcomer to the cryptocurrency world, I've had a steep learning curve.
Blockchain...? Sounds faintly ominous, to be honest. Crypto even more so. Regardless, I've pushed on to the point that I think I have a working knowledge of the concept and some of it's incarnations. I have an active account on Poloniex and a wallet with Exodus. I've even dipped my toe in the trading pool, using a bit of Steem I'd accumulated to kick things off. I'm proud to say I've grown that steadily over the past couple months. Nothing crazy... in USD I think it's gone from about $30 to around $48 and most of that is because Bitcoin has gone up noticeably.
Now, that's all well and good, but as I dug deeper into what crypto can/will accomplish in the coming years, it dawned on me that this could be a piece of the puzzle that takes some of the 'scary' out of getting older.
Most of you know I'm a pet-sitter. That includes dog walking and other physically demanding activities. I'm also closer to sixty years old than I'd care to admit. Plus, it's just a fact that I won't be able to do this work indefinitely.
Enter VIVA coin.

I think I first heard about this coin from @merej99. I looked into it briefly, but I was reading about some others at the time, too, so I skimmed the descriptions on all of them. I found myself sporadically checking back on VIVA, because they had such a different take on some vital issues, like minting coins vs mining them and stabilizing the sometimes wild fluctuations in value.
They sealed the deal with one simple facet - a steady income - without walking a dog or scooping out a litterbox! I admit I don't understand all the 'developer-speak', but the concept is clear and makes sense.
In a recent interview William Banks, CTO and lead architect of the VIVA Project, explains, “Today every transaction is like opening and closing a leaky faucet. Inevitably, value is lost – usually into the pockets of the 0.1%. In the VIVAconomy each and every drop of value is recovered and equitably returned to the individual people who participate in the VIVAconomy.”
This streamlined distributed transaction system constantly feeds each participant’s share of the VIVA liquidity pool – a long term asset that compounds daily based upon activity in the network. The goal is to provide stable, recurring income for each participant. Simply put, the VIVAconomy invests the value generated by each transaction in the individual members instead of ballooning corporate balance sheets.
They already have a debit card that can transform Viva into the local fiat currency (and vice versa) and ATMs to make access easy. This isn't the silver bullet to solve my financial concerns, but it goes a long way to easing my worries.
Apologies to the felines, but cat food for dinner does not sound at all appetizing.

VIVA is having their ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in just a week, on May 1st.
You can register to win a VIVA Crown, just go HERE!
Also, lots of info and answers at:
Rocket Chat:

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