Do you know the cryptocoins that will never change its value?

If, as they have read in the title, there is a cryptocoins which will not raise its value, much less the decrease over the years, because its value is always equivalent to $1.

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We are talking about the cryptocoins that is named TETHER (USDT) and we can see in any of the wallets we have here an example in Bittrex and Poliniex, but I can assure you that you will find it in all.

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The objective for which it was created is due to the constant criticisms about the high volatility that this market has and to future economic problems that could arise to the people who do not have time to be in front of the computer monitoring the prices Constantly, in that case most traders use it in scalping movements to make short-term profits. An example of this is when they wait for the moment when they want to sell that at their discretion is the highest, and then when the price is lower able to buy again and get their earnings in the raise.

Therefore, Tether is one of the perfect cryptocoins to support investments in critical moments of high volatility, since they are mainly used for altcoin that have more capitalization in the market such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin or Dash, among others. A very frequent confusion that have those who are initiating in this world, is that they believe that they are moved with USD but it is not, swap one cryptocoins for another but that always is worth $1, so you must have very clear on what is being done in RealID Ad with the USDT.
We can see a little more about how this cryptocoins is structured using graphics.

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The market capitalization of the USDT is as follows:

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