The rush of the day (08/01/18) with a growth of more than 1174% is for:

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For today, after reviewing prices and growth rates of more than 1500 cryptocoins, were selected those that at the moment have presented greater value, being Monday 08/01/2018. Thus leaving the positions in the rush of the day:

The third place is for the cryptocoin that is named Bitcedi (BXC), which has had a growth of 468.00%, allowing him to accumulate in the week an approximate growth of 2118.97%. Its value still approximates the value of a penny of a dollar, allowing it to be an attractive option for investment.

Now let's look at the graphs of the behavior that he has had today, which give reference to the value obtained in hours, making a comparison between the value change between the dollar and the reference between the BTC.

To understand the graphs we must identify with the green line the behavior of the Cryptocoin relative to the value of USD, while the yellow line represents its value in BTC. The scale has been taken for a day, this allows you to better appreciate the behavior of today, this clarification is for if you want to make investment look for a graph with a longer period of time. These references are valid for the two graphs, both for the linear and the log.

The second place corresponds to the cryptocoin named Lifecoin (LIFE), its maximum growth for today was 586.87%, but at the moment continues to increase its value. These figures allowed to accumulate a weekly growth of 744.24%. Its value came at a cost of $8, making it ideal for the analysis of future investments at low costs, if you consider it.

Now with you, today's winner for the first place corresponds to DFScoin (DFS), this cryptocoin has had a growth of 1864.59% reaching a cumulative weekly of 4779.30%, this allowed him to obtain a value at that time of $0.928567.

The positions remain as follows:

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