The Future of Blockchain Technology

Attending a blockchain technology event which is organized by a company my friend is working at, @cryp2knight. Surprised at the attendance! Looking forward to see what’s in store for us. :)


The forum was held at KLCC Convention Centre with a line up of speakers with included Mr Lurion Yee – the Founder of SEDA, Mr Ivan Ku – the CEO of LEDGIT, Mr Fengsensen – Founder of Blockhong, Mr Mark Pui – a blockchain investment guru, Mr Yao Han Lim, Ms Jia Nina and Ms Saba Harati from Blockchain Games Company, and a few others.

It was pretty interesting to hear what problems new upcoming companies plan to solve with blockchain technology. SEDA plans to decentralize recruitment on the blockchain while LEDGIT would focus on gathering history data for products and even family trees.


Oh, and did I mention there was free food? They always taste the most delicious. :p

Disclaimer: Purely for entertainment purposes only. By no means endorsing any cryptocurruncy.

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