TenX - The Crypto Currency Debit Card Launches on Bittrex Today


Cryptocurrencies has been on the rise the last couple of years and with it has followed the demand for practical usability.

Very few shops are accepting payments in Bitcoin, which is a shame seeing that the purpose of Bitcoin was to have easy transactions with each other. With Bitcoin unable to fill that void, companies like Tokencard and Monaco Visa Card are trying to capitalize on rising demand for real payment solutions that can rival the likes of MasterCard and Visa. The competition among these companies are fierce, which saw Monaco speed up their planned ICO with at least a month.

TenX is also trying to get a market share of what could potentially be a billion Dollar industry, and it’s a huge step in the right direction that their PAY token is now being adopted for trade on Bittrex which is one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world today July 7th 2017 at 4 p.m. UTC.

TenX’s ICO sold out in just five minutes, and it is estimated that about 30.000 people were left disappointed and had to wait for the token to hit the exchanges. That could result in a huge demand and surge in price for the token when the markets open later today, so be careful of the price volatility if you are considering buying some PAY tokens.

I think TenX is an interesting concept and they seem to have a little lead on the completion which could prove very valuable to them in the long run seeing that first movers often gets the most success.

I have never bought a token on it’s first day on an exchange, but today might be the day :)

Some info:

• TenX is a company that provide payment services through use of the TenX Card, which is a debit card for cryptocurrency.

• The TenX Card is funded by a TenX wallet. The wallet can hold Bitcoin, Ether or Dash,and is currently being developed to hold loads more cryptocurrencies in the future.

• TenX is currently in an insurance partnership with MasterCard and Visa, which ensures that the TenX Card can be used in almost 200 countries at over 36 million points of acceptance.

• Users of the TenX Card can transfer crypto funds between them without any third-party involvement.

• The founder of The Ethereum Foundation Vitalik Buterin has actively invested in TenX which could indicate that it’s a good investment.

Here’s a video showing how easy it is to use the TenX Card


Do you intend to buy some PAY tokens, and what are your thoughts on TenX, Monaco and Tokencard?

Leave a comment below.

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