Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - March 24, 2018

Malta Opens Its Doors Binance And Bids To Become A Blockchain Island

Joseph Muscat, the Prime Minister of Malta warmly welcomes today's world's largest cryptocurrency, Binance.

As Muscat welcomes Binance, he spoke about his desire to make Malta a global trailblazer in regulating blockchain-based companies and giving jurisdiction to quality and choice for world class Fintech firms.

Binance announced this March 23 that they will be moving their operations to the European Union member island.

The exchange has been looking for a new home lately after regulatory move in China, Hong Kong & Japan.

Bitstamp To Be Sold To South Korean Investors, Reports Say

For a $400 million dollar worth, South Korean investors will buy the cryptocurrency exchange Bitstamp.

Nathaniel Popper, the finance and tech journalist of New York Times tweeted the news and other sources has also confirmed the same report.

Bitstamp is currenctly ranked as the top 11 exchanges in terms of volume on Coinmarketcap and is originally registered in Luxembourg.

Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - March 23, 2018

British Government Launches A Cryptocurrency Task Force To Harness Benefits Of FinTech / Yahoo Japan Is Said To Launch A Crypto Exchange Within This Year 2018

Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - March 22, 2018

Bitfury Launches New Bitcoin Mining Center In Norway / The G20 Argentina 2018 Summit Ends Leaving No New Regulation For Cryptocurrencies / Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Says Bitcoin Will Be The World's Universal Currency In 10 Years

Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - March 21, 2018

Bitcoin Private Pressing Forward Towards Their Goals With Their Consistent Weekly Updates / US National Security Agency Has Been Tracking Bitcoin Users

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