LUNYR is a serviceless Wikipedia on Ethereum and nobody is interested in it.


Funny thing is that NOBODY wants to by when it's cheap. Remember how many of you scrambled for BTC when it was around 200-300$ range? Everybody was convinced that this was the end. But when a bubble pops then man... People are gonna sell houses and girlfriends just to put more and more money into it!

And this is the case with LUNYR token. They managed to rise around 2.8 M dollar which is like nothing in the current ICO market, then they went to exchanges (Bittrex, Liqui and few smaller) and ICO holders were able to get around 100% of profit. Of course I didn't took it, I bought more lower and I'm well HODLIN.

Lunyr (LUN)

Had collected 2 800 000 USD in the crowdsale but current market cap is just 6 200 000 USD which gives it 100th place on

Lunyr is an Ethereum-based decentralized world knowledge base which rewards users with app tokens for peer-reviewing and contributing information. We aim to be the starting point of the internet for finding reliable, accurate information. Our long-term vision is to develop a knowledge base API that developers can use to create next generation decentralized applications in Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and more.

Reason to buy?

Severely undervalued if compared to ICO price and current market pricing..

Alpha version to be released soon.


Patience is gold

I can't emphasize it more.

But of course to be patient you need to layer your finance and investment portfolio. If you can diversify your crypto investments into 1-5% portions and still held a substantial amounts in every single of them than you can wait till you take profit. This is very simple. Buy 10 things and only sell when one of them is profitable. 3 others are 40% down? Well you don't give a damn thing cause firstly you invested just a portion of your funds and secondly you have profits on other 4 and the remaining 3 are holding the price.

Lunyr development and current price

Here is the snapshot from when I wrote about LUN few weeks ago:



What is even more interesting the LUN was able to hold the recent BTC and all altcoin crash very well! There was no movement like it doesn't give a crap that the market is falling and liquidity is going out the market.

Look at BTC:

2017-06-02 (4).png

And LUN:

2017-06-02 (3).png

Lunyr hiring additional developers (Slack):


Investors feedback:

right on. I've been waiting for a project like this ever since I became involved in crypto. Blockchain technology is the perfect fit for sealing knowledge in a magnificently decentralized way. And on the ethereum blockchain no less. This is the literal very beginning of an absolutely amazing thing. I can't wait. Good luck devs. No pressure.

Let me just say how excited I am that Lunyr has the potential to be serverless. Throughout history, history has always been written and censored by the victors. What the Lunyr team is trying to accomplish is revolutionary. If successful, we can write the immutable and preserve their recordings for centuries. Were rooting for you lunyr, not because we want to be rich but we believe in the idea. Your pioneering the freedom of knowledge for generations. Good luck and keep up the good work.

To summarize

There are many useless projects priced 10 times higher on coinmarketcap and they haven't aven delivered anything yet. Upcoming alhpa of Lunyr will push the price much higher.


  • still low price comapred to ICO price
  • low price compared to market caps of other coins
  • underperforming comapred to the market
  • never had a serious pump yet
  • it's something new

First rule of the cryptocurrency market says that every project will have it's pump sooner or later.

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