How I turned $500 into $25,000, and will most likely turn that into millions and you can too. [aka Crypto101]

1. Buy everything you believe in. And keep up-to-date on them.

Remember back in 2012 when Bitcoin started to get semi noticed by the world and had its first glimpse of greatness? Remember when people preached of Bitcoins being worth $1,000,000? Well Bitcoin was worth $90-$400 around those times, back when having a single article on Forbes about Bitcoin was unthinkable. But look around, we are slowly climbing the mountain. Even with all the drama, price dumps, exchange crashes, government stupidity & weak handed sissies, Bitcoin still grows. We are are at all time highs and I wouldn't be surprised if we hit $4,000 Bitcoins this year. Then after Bitcoin corrects, altcoins will boom.

That brings us to altcoins, who's market has also grown tremendously in value as of lately, owning the coins you believe in, have researched and keep up to date with are the ones that will help you grow, you have one advantage everyone else does not, you know why this coin is valuable. All you need now is for everyone else to know it as well and you are in the green. And that day will come. 

2. HOLD IT. 3mo-1yr, Buy on mega dumps.

Don't be that guy that bought PIVX at 10 cents just to have sold it at 16 cents... if you buy something and you know why you bought it and have done you research, you are much less likely to get weak hands and sell for minimal profit. All of these projects have so much room for growth and dumping early is one of the easiest ways to kick yourself for years to come. So instead of dumping with the market when everyone starts taking profit, start buying and increase your stash of cheap coins, because one day, all of these coins will be worth 10-1000 times what they are today.

3. Once you are up 200-300%, sell your initial investment. Trust me.

Obviously theres risk involved in crypto, so to be more safe and secure your investments, when your some of your alts have a mega spike, why not sell 1/3 of your coins which usually equals out to your initial investment and put that back into something more stable like Bitcoin until the price corrects? It always happens, no matter the coin. And it helps you sleep at night, or atleast not wake up at 5am to check the price lol.... you know you have all done it...

4. Buy More, Hodl More.

Crypto is bullish. Every chance you get you should be purchasing more BTC with USD, earning more BTC online, buying more Altcoins, increase your positions in your favorite alts and just get involved in general. The only way crypto is going to 'go mainstream' is if everyone adopts this mentality. You can already LIVE on crypto currency and I personally do so quite well. So why not shake the past and start living in the future? FIAT is a dying concept of money and we all know it, therefore we should all be dumping our FIAT for Bitcoins and other cryptos.

5. Oh and don't forget to keep growing your coins, using Steemit for example!

A great way to increase your stash without pulling money out of your pocket is to simply be active, use services like, be active on subreddits about crypto, be active on your favorite forums about your favorite crypto or whatever it may be and I promise it will pay of for you, you will either get in early on a generation 3 currency, earn alot of $$ on Steemit or even find yourself a sweet blockchain funded job! Those seem to be all the craze these days..

6. Crypto is a Bullish market overall, don't forget that folks, FIAT is dying before our eyes.

Like I said before, crypto is bullish, any coin that stays alive for the next 5 years will see insanely gains no matter what, its the nature of the system. While I don't suggest to buy more than you can manage, owning more than 1-2 coins is a very good idea for the next couple years, even if some short term losses occur overall we're all going to make quite a hefty amount of profit due to the nature of the systems we are investing into. We are still early adopters folks!

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