An interview about imminent system’s collapse due to Cryptocurrencies and decentralized accommodations with an ethic hacker

The biggest centre of crypto enthusiasts in Czech Republic is Parallel Polis. It often provides its followers on social platforms with either interesting articles or records of any presentation that is being given in its entrails. Few days ago they shared an interview by Czechcrunch with an etic hacker Pavol Lupták, about the imminent system’s collapse caused by decentralized accommodations and Cryptocurrencies. I decided to translate the interview and share it with the Steemit community. Bear in mind that I’m no translator – it’s just my noobish try to transfer the message.

Ransomware WannaCry, which started to strike at PCs with Windows about 3 weeks ago is considered to be the most devastating attack of hackers. According to ethic hacker Pavol Lupták, this is the perfect example of the ominous threatening the information garnered by state.

Authors of WannaCry used information leak from NSA. Anarchocapitalist Pavol, who owns a hacker company, congenitally refuses to work for state institutes. There are more reasons why he disallows state – It’s outdated and ineffective, it creates financial dictatorship and illusion of assurances. Current system’s collapse and shift into virtual society is, according to him, going to happen in 5 years.

How do you, as an anarchocapitalist, perceive gathering of data on servers NSA, FBI and its likes? 

I advocate for liberty ahead of state interests. State shouldn’t have a right for gathering information using money of taxpayers and breaking the people’s privacy. I believe in decentralized market solution, which will solve most of the problems of IT security. On the other hand committing this sensible area into the hands of centralized institution is highly dangerous.

You are behind the initiative “Don’t work for state (Czech only)”. IS it more like a symbolic revolt, or do you truly believe that it can limit states power? 

I perceive it like John Galt in his book Atlas Shrugged. We principally won’t work for those, who limit liberty at all levels and consistently deteriorate business conditions, censure internet and so on.

What bothers you the most about the state? 

That it creates illusionary assurances and give people the feeling that it’s going to take care of everything. My father relied his whole life that he will receive pension. Then the law changed and pension in Slovakia has started to be given only from the last five years of work. He wasn’t employed the last five years though, therefore he didn’t receive anything. He believed in state his whole life and it just ripped him off. State and social benefits are fundamentally not certain. How can they created assurances then? State government changes all the time, so do laws. Even politics don’t believe in it. They know that in four years it will the opponents will come and change everything. If my father worked on his own savings, state failure wouldn’t affect him.

You speak about your futuristic and apocalyptics vision of near future on congresses. What do you think that is going to happen really soon?

Behind the change of the system will be cryptoanarchy that will be able to drastically change classic paradigm of central control and will break the mechanisms that we know now. People will transits into anonymous cryptocurrencies in masses. EU and state is trying to create a central register of bitcoin possessors and control the exchange of Czech crowns and Euros for bitcoins, but in the cases of really anonymous cryptocurrencies, they won’t be able to do it. In few years there will be decentralized application similar to Uber for everything.

Do you need your house pained? You’ll send a request and someone nearby, who’s going to profit from it will come. State will lose the ability to force people to pay taxes. Even today the existence of black-markets is knows and their number will only increase.

So people won’t pay taxes?

We are currently entering a society that is peer-to-peer decentralized one. Whoever, who will be able to provide accommodation, be it someone nearby on the other side of the planet, will do the work without a broker. We are creating a word, where it is technically possible to exchange goods and accommodations without the need of owning a company and without the state knowing about it. People will accede to this fast not for the love of liberty and cryptocurrencies, but for the minus 30%-50% of the prize tag. They won’t be paying for anything but the goods or accommodations…

Cryptoanarchy will win, because it will be economically advantageous. People are selfish and will always want the best and the cheapest and look for the commonwealth of others after. Or society is historically more and more individualistic. We are taking care of ourselves and our relatives and we succumb to collective manipulation less. Its natural evolution of individuality, process, that is happening for thousands of years. We are nearing the peak now. Cryptoanarchy is an aggregate of technological tools that has in its potential to reach the peak. That has to lead to the collapse of current system just because people won’t pay taxes anymore. The Existence of state in this turbulent times is very uncertain.

Do you think that state can cease to exist?

I don’t know. In near future probably not. The polarization of society is clear though. That means that those, who can use internet technologies have huge advantage. People that will not start to use cryptocurrencies a will stagnate will be discriminated in the future. Two parallel words will emerge – one in which liberty will rule and people will create their own worlds and then the physical one, controlled by state. Conflicts will be ever-present between those two.

Technologies allow us to create a society of virtual law. That wasn’t so easy until now. There were always project that advocated liberty, but they were spread all over the world. They can unite today and gain power by doing so. A parallel society is being created everywhere in the world, that represents competition to state. State is very outdated and doesn’t reflect the technological evolution at all. People in financial institutes don’t even speak English, less so know about cryptocurrencies.

The reason of all the freedom we have is the outdated system. State has the control over physical realm, but has none over the virtual one. The bigger the state dictatorship the more will people think about possible alternatives. I’m actually happy that the EET has happened here, because people will seek the freedom even more.

"It’s a shock for me. I have no idea what it is and as far as I know, no one pays with Bitcoin." Czech ex finance minister, billionaire and one of the biggest criminals Andrej Babiš


How will state react to the fall of system?

By enforcing financial dictatorship even more. States will have to radically change the collection of taxes and massively increase the tax of physical world – bigger real estate tax and bigger taxation of business in real world. Margaret Thatcher has foresaw long ago the human tax – tax for being a human. Something like that is going to happen.

The system will lack the money for old ones. What will happen to them?

This money wouldn’t exist anyway if the threshold retiring wouldn’t drastically increase. It is a compulsory pyramid game that has no chance of surviving more than 20 years. Retired ones will suffer similarly to when the system here changed. It is a process of transformation and will bring great sacrifices. The possibility of voluntary support will be always there…we will see.

What more can startle us?

Next year could bring first anonymous decentralized crowdfunding for whistleblowing. That means, that people will be anonymously betting for a leak of any given document, which will later be exposed by economic motivation of the whistleblower to anonymously gain money. Status quo will continually change in similar manner. Lower taxes? Bet anonymous cryptocurrency that taxes will increase, or that they will remain the same. Legal drugs? Bet that prohibition will last for four more years.

On the other hand there is economic motivation of politics, who can’t bet against that and change the law and win. It would be possible to get rid of any person – anonymously. It will be riskier to be a politician when that time comes. It is a concept of anonymously collaborative murder working n the principal of betting and economic motivation to win. This will lead to a creation of new insurances against states and some laws.

You could navigate yourself through the anonymous web and decide which insurances you want to have and pay for it. If anything happens you just make a photo of it send it there and get payed. It is technically no problem to do so, therefore I think that it will happen soon. The whole bureaucratic ballast will fall apart and no one will care what Brussel, or anyone else, thinks about that.

Beside the fact that you own the Nethemba, engaged in ethic hacking, you are also a member of artistic group Ztohoven (a crank for hundred shits :D) and one of the founders of Parallel Polis. From where did the need to create such an institute came?

I have given a speech like six years ago, about how it is possible to send a SMS from any given number to any given phone – a project Moral reform within the frame of Ztohoven has emerged. During the work on the project, cryptotechnologies where being frequently discussed. The need to create a technological “think tank” was real. Financial dictatorship from the state is bigger and bigger and people need to liberate themselves. We are trying to show them the way. We are the institution of liberty. We want to completely separate Parallel Polis from the Ztohoven sooner or later. We will do so immediately when the project will be profitable.

Parallel Polis is publicly against the EET. How will you protect yourselves against recession and avoid the forced closing of the project?

The whole EET is really problematic and it can be easily attacked. We have been thinking that we will create X guilds and when the need comes the coffee shop will change its owner even every single day. Nothing will change, only the “owner”. We will use every legal way to complicate it for the EET as much as we can.

Is there any other activity of Ztohoven that you are engaged in?

For the technical pat of presidents underwear. A 3x3 standard has been cut into 1152 pieces and every piece has been paired with a bitcoin address and every account has received a single transfer in accordance with Paret’s rule. We have distributed 35 000 CZK like that. We have given the fragments of the standard to random people that knew the Ztohoven. The project was supposed to represent the decentralization of power. We were sued for causing a loss of 30 000 CZK. Later the prize of a single fragment of the standard has risen to a 45 000 CZK…

What are the other projects you are working on?

I’m starting a Parallel Polis in Bratislava (Slovakia) and a company HackTrophy, which will be something like Uber for hackers. Any company will set a prize for breaching their defence system and if any hacker breaches it, he will receive the amount set in the beginning.

That’s it. Hope you enjoyed the read! Let me know what you think about that. Do you disagree with anything? Or do you have the same vision?  

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