Decentralization to the Rescue – Series Announcement



Crypto world is a hectic place. Simply put, it is impossible to follow all the news – meaning tokens and their updates, upcoming projects, current ICOs, masternodes etc. Every crypto geek simply has to choose some topics that he feels are worth the time spent and then just go with the flow. I too am just one of those ordinary crypto geeks that dream about decentralized civilization and how to earn the living through decentralized systems. I also always am 100% committed in what I believe is right, or simply worth it. Crypto space is right now one of the few fields where I tirelessly work every day. Every single day I study for several hours new and old projects alike. My aim is to have as diversified portfolio as possible with all the worthy projects. There really is no reason why not to share my findings with the Steemit’s community. I though want to make those crypto articles part of one series to help you guys navigate through them, if you by any chance find them helpful. For my effort you can also tip me with an upvote, resteem, or a comment, or you can just ignore me whether you will or will not use the info. Isn’t this an awesome world after all?:D

What is so awesome about decentralization


I don’t know how about you dear readers, but I have joined crypto for several reasons. Financial freedom is of course one of them, but that would hardly cut it for me on its own. I have always been a systemic sceptic. Hatin’ is a very easy business though. I guess we all have tried it at some point right? Fuck all the people that are voting for bitches trough democratic voting, fuck the imbecile president, fuck the way schools are set up…I could continue forever. The point is simply that bitching around is easy. But mere “BURN BABYLON SYSTEM” would never help us create something new…something better. It’s virtually impossible for everyone to come up with a better system. Steemit has though taught myself that CURATING is as important as CREATING. One can’t stand on its own (without the other one).


This brings me to the main couple of reasons why I committed myself fully into crypto. People in there are generally convinced that centralization is hardly more efficient than decentralization. Centralized planning is hardly ever more effective (and if so only in small scales), because someone has to take the “I know what is good for everyone committed” type of role. And that is most of the time just wrong. Decentralized systems are voluntary system that try to create a win/win scenario for the participants and the system itself by incentivizing the participants to do the best possible actions for the system (set up server, financially support the project, curate sub-projects in the projects etc.). If the system is set up correctly, the participants realize gains only when the system itself realizes gains. That is why I believe in decentralization and why I spend hours daily to find good ones. Thus said all it takes to create a better system or subsystem is one good team and thousands of supporters.


The projects found up until now



VICE – The Porn Token
The Sun Exchange - Solar Microgrids in Africa
Brave – Encrypted Internet Browser
Sphere – Social Media that Tokenizes Your Personal Data
Ignite – Decentralized Rating System

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