GK's What if GOOGLE made a Crypto Coin?


Today in Steemspeak, we got onto an interesting topic

What if Google had its own Cryptocurrency? Google is a ridiculously large company and they have been known for sitting on technologies waiting for the right implementation. In the case of blockchain, its likely that google engineers have been interested since the early days.

So what would Google Coin look like?

Google's Coin could directly integrated as the driving force behind Google Adsense. I'm not saying that google should make a token that is sold. More so that google could make a token that facilitated advertising.

google coin.jpg

There are 4 sides to this hypothetical implementation. Under what I'm calling the 'entropy model' google could integrate blockchain into their advertisements.

The Website would measure active viewership and convert it into blocks mined.
Buyers could use Google Coin to support their message.
The Viewers could get Google Coin for interacting with ads.
Google Adsense would accept google coin to facilitate their various services.

Mining Blocks

Every currency needs a distribution method. I propose a light-weight entropy based system where user behavior is converted into coins. A similar system is Basic Attention Tokens with the Brave system.

The difference is that instead of everyone switching to a special money making web browser, Google could offer this as part of their analytics short code, deploying the blockchain to the entire internet in one sweep.

If you want to see the blockchain deployed to the whole internet, start by resteeming this article <3 Leave a comment below, lets have a discussion. - GK

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