Ride the crypto waves

Ride the crypto waves

I think the best name for this time is “The FUD Period” because the whole market was brought down thanks to the mass media bullshit that kept on hitting us, one after another in the hope that they will destroy this market but this is just the beginning.

Eventually, the prices will go back up because the market always remembers the all-time highs and even if now it might look like it’s the end, in fact, it’s just a new beginning.

I wrote a post about two weeks ago where I was saying that it will go back up anytime soon, considering that the strikes we received weren’t that big, and even if it went back up to about 600 billion new FUDs hit the news. Since then it went on a slippery slope to as low as 350 something billion.

Disclaimer: Keep in mind, this is not financial advice, I have no idea what I'm talking about, never trust anyone blindly, do your research.

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Let the market speak for herslef

At the moment I’m writing this, BTC it’s at slightly under 8k, ETH is at $800 and Steem at $3.23, it’s a bloodbath out there, but if you would’ve asked me a few months ago, I would’ve said that these prices are fantastic.

Remember that Steem stayed at under $1 for ages not so long ago with a market cap of a few hundred million and only about 1-2 million, sometimes even less than that in daily volume. The hell, at some point even DogeCoin had a bigger market cap than Steem, that’s how bad the situation was. Comparing to those times, Steem is still doing surprising considering that it’s in the 26 place with almost 100 million in daily volume.


It’s just about the way you look at things, if you compare the current prices with their ATH, then it may seem like we are in a massive crash, but if you compare them with the prices we had exactly two months ago, then we’re at even.

If you look at the tremendous “crash” from September, the charts are very similar to what’s happening right now. In one and a half months, the market went from under 100 billion to 180 and when the “crash” came, back to under 100 on 15th.


That’s precisely what’s happening right now, the market went from about 320 billion at the beginning of December to as high as 830+ and now, two months later after the correction we’re back down to where we were before, about 350+ billion.


Do you want to see what came after 15th September when the market corrected? It doubled in one month to 200 billion, and two more weeks after that it went to 300, then 400 and 800, in a matter of a few months.


I think that’s precisely where we are now, the market corrected itself, we are back at the figures we had before the colossal pump, and because the bulls always remember the ATHs, we are going back up there and even past that.

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You shouldn’t sell right now, no matter what because you will regret it. I sold Steem when it was at $1.8 considering it an amazing price, I don’t regret it, but I could’ve made a lot more money. Now it’s the time to buy because it may soon go back up or it might keep on falling, who knows.

I really have no idea what I’m talking about; I’m not a crypto guru or anything so don’t think I’m right.

This is just looking at how the market reacted at former “crashes” and what happened after that. This time might be different, but it might happen the same as before.

I firmly believe that at some point soon it will start to recover going back up at 500 and 600 and once people have confidence again, it will go to 800 and eventually past that. This is just my opinion; it’s possible that I’m wrong so you should do your research.Things move fast in crypto; if we’re on red today, we might be on green tomorrow and double up next week.

My portfolio is looking so poorly right now, it’s more than 50% down but to be honest, I’m not that worried. Knowing that it will go back up gives me certainty because I have lived this again a few times before this “crash,” and I know that being scared is not a good strategy.

Anything can happen at this point, but we will all eventually be on the green and look back at these times laughing of how scary the situation looked like.

Now, I'll just enjoy my "break", write some epic stuff and work on my projects, taking my eyes off the market until it goes back up, good luck and do not sell.

Fun Fact: By the time I have finished this post (about 2 and something hours), the market went up 50 billion.

The source of the memes: 1, 2, 3, 4.



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