Name Your Top 5 Crypto-Coins You Plan On Holding For 2017

I'm very interested in seeing what others are planning on investing in, whether they be ICO/Crowdfund or market currencies. I still consider myself new to the cryptosphere even though I have been a holder for more than 2 years, but I realized this year, that I have much to learn. So far my current investments are as follows:

1. Bitcoin

2. Ethereum

3. Litecoin

4. Golem

5. Augur

6.(Pending) Tezos ICO


Over the last 2 years I consider my investments as a feeler at best, buying and holding to see what happens and thus far I have been happy with the results from each crypto. Tezos is still one that I am very iffy on especially considering they just recently pushed back their ICO until sometime in June. Still it offers a great concept and reminds me of Ethereum when it first went to ICO. Looking at the numbers and how successful Ethereum has become despite its bumps in the road along the way, I consider it to be pretty succesful.

What are some your investments and what do you plan on holding for the remainder of this year? 

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