Is TENX a dead dog or an investment opportunity?

If you're in the cryptoworld you've probably heard of TENX.

It's the debit card that you can use to actually spend your cryptocurrency.

You log into the app on your phone, and then using your TENX debit card you can pay for anything........ like a bottle of beer or your monthly groceries.

It's a great idea and the execution seems to work really well.

Source: TENX Twitter page.

You can find more information at the website above.

Many people invested in the ICO and eagerly awaited for the coin to be listed on the first Exchange.

The price back then was one ether for 420 tokens. I'm going to call that about $0.50 because the price of ether was higher then than it is now.

That exchange was Bittrex.

Excitement was in the air as the coin soared to over $10 each.

At that though time many investors decided it was time to take a profit.


Pump and dump ensued.

You can see how upset the people that did not get out are by looking at their Facebook page.

Facebook users are asking for an explanation of the low price.

You see a lot of people put money into this and now they feel upset, which is understandable after seeing the price of your coin fall something like 96%.

Now as potential investors we have to look at it like this....

The current price of TENX is $0.89.

We know that it was over $10 at one point though.

So one could say that buying now is a great idea. After all, what if it goes up to $10 again? The truth is that the TENX card works. It's not a scam.

On other hand it could go down to $0.10 if investors lose faith....


The one phrase you always hear that is absolutely correct is........

"Don't invest more than you can afford to lose."

Can you afford to take a risk with a huge potential payout?

I doubt if many of us have a thousand dollars to just throw into the wind.

There's another saying though.

"No risk....... no reward."

I'm curious what your thoughts on TENX are....

Please leave me a comment below stating why you think it is or isn't a good idea to invest in TENX right now at the price of $0.89.

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