There is a new coin out there thats going to take the marked -The name is LBRY

in 2009 bitcome changed the way we look at ecomonomics forever, and becoming more and more accepted. Countries like Japan is beginning to see the potensial in this time of currency. Scandinavia is considerate the same, and more will follow. Even dough Bitcoin is the most traded currency of the over 3000 different types of crypto, its still a 1.gen cryptocurrency, and at one point something is going to take over as a 2. gen crypto, like Facebook took over Myspace, and the mail tok over the fax.

The future of crypto
At this point no one really know what kind of currency will be the coin of the future. Last week Ethereum skyrocket the marked, with a higher marked cap than Bitcoin, my speculations for why this happened was because of what Putin stated last week. He said he wanted to invest in Ethereum. As an person with high influence this is what made the currency go up to $300. The marked then stabilised for a while, but is now on the way up again. For the ones that invested in this a year ago, have made some good money. The other coins that now on the top is Dash, Monero and Litecoing, but I dont know that much about this coins. Im new to this kind of investments, and have tried to catch up now the past week.

How I got involved
My introduction to cryptocurrencies happened 2 years ago when I was introduced to the Capricoin, and MLM based Currency, with the concept of making fast transactions and ability to change it too any fiat currency in the word at a fast rate. The reason why I choose to get involved was because i was one of the first people to get involved in this coin. In January 2016 the price skyrocket and went up to $2,70. i should have sold this coin, and invested it in Ethereum, like I was told, but i didn't. If i had i had, i would have made a huge profit, but i made an over 400% profit from it. Now i dont really belive in the future of Capricoin, but it could change. The hole marked is speculative, and no one knows what will happened in the future. If anyone knows something about this coin i Would like to know.

Youtube have competition
I belive the next big coin that will go to the moon in the next year is the LBRY, and this is what i want to reinvest my money in. Im still going to invest in STEEM and SBD, but i see this have a higher potential, and its still a undervalued coin. My friend @rouse is the one that told me about this currency, and he has spent a lot of time trying to understand how it works. he has made some presentation videos, so take a look at it. @rouse

LBRY is what is going to take over Youtube, so for all the youtubers out there, this is the place for you to upload your videos, and the potensial for getting a headstart is big. LBRY is a sharing platform that uses blockchain technology to enable users to publish material and get paid for doing so. People using LBRY’s service can monetize their published material with its built-in payment system. The concept melds together the great technical advantages of both Bitcoin and BitTorrent services for people looking to share content.

LBRY Is the future
The history behind the project, as i have read began when three people on a room wanted to create a better sharing platform for videos, music and books, basically all kind of digital content. The platform has no commercials, and no third part taking out the profit, while almost doing nothing. This is the problem of youtube today, as I am seeing. You as an artist, and a creator you are able to have full control over your content, and decide what price you want others to pay for it, you can even make it for free if you choose to do so. This platform is run true an app, and the speed is very good, and going to be better. This is still only a beta version.

The platform was launched in the end of april, so now is your change to be one of the first people on this platform. The price on LBRY credits, the currency you pay for content with is now $0.70. Its a very good change its going to doble 10 times in the next year. I cant guarantee this, since its all speculative, but this is the coin to invest in if you can take the risk. Im going to do so



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