
The truth is always composed of many layers, and when someone is telling you that something is just black or just white, you can be sure that he is lying to you, or lying to himself. When we start talking about secret societies ruling our world most of the public just call that conspiracy theory and move on with their life. Another part of people listen to your facts and evidence, but at the end conclude that there is nothing we can do about that but to move on with our lives. In the end, there is always a small fraction of people that will try to understand a problem, give their best to resolve it and make a world a better place. Usually, we call that kind of people fools, or idealists if you don't want to offend them directly.



For hundreds or even thousands of years, all power was in the hands of the kings, queens, popes, high priests and a small circle of people around them. They had immense wealth and power in their hands and ruled over the world without almost any restrictions. Age of enlightenment came at the end of 17th century, and things started to change slowly. The power was starting to shift from hands of royalty into the hands of common people. Money and banking system started getting a familiar, centralized form. Next great change happened at the end of 19th century when the industrial revolution shaped the western world, and the oil was coming on the scene and becoming an irreplaceable part of our lives. Individuals that came to power in that wave of great changes took a risk through different business ventures. The ones that succeeded were heavily rewarded and transmitted power to their beneficiaries that are still ruling the world in our times.


Our times:

The great shift of money and power is happening in front of us, and it is hard to emphasize its magnitude and significance. Silicon revolution started this change, the 90s gave us internet and connected everything, but the real revolution is happening now with blockchain and decentralization.

What is so special about blockchain?

From the times when human race decided to stop being nomadic and started growing crops and breeding domestic animals, we organized our society into a class hierarchy with some central authority on the top. Through the centuries many things have changed, but this model stayed as the main component of all big human civilizations. A common problem with this model is that leaders at the top of hierarchy often become corrupt despots. For the first time in human history, we have a chance to change this in most areas of human life. The most important of them is money, payments, and monetary system. With a blockchain technology, money can become decentralized without the need for any central authority controlling it.


THEY want to destroy cryptocurrencies! They? Who are they?

Whatever name I give them in this article I will be somehow wrong, and you will call me a crazy conspiracy theorist. I can call them Masons, Illuminati, Bilderberg group, Rothchild's, Lizards or any other of many names for the mysterious elite. Who knows who is on the top of the pyramid, and as I told you at the beginning of this article, the truth is never simple, so I decided to call them - THEY.

For last few centuries all tools for controlling financial system were in their hands, and when you control the money, you control everything. An important reason why THEY are fighting against cryptocurrencies is a great shift of wealth happening in last few years outside the reach of their power. Something like this was impossible to happen before blockchain came to the scene. Through the last 200 years of history (In some cases much longer), theirhand was always the one printing money, deciding how to distribute it and who will own it.


How do they fight cryptocurrencies?

To answer this I need to take and advice from someone smarter than me, German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer and to paraphrase him:

"Every new idea pass through four stages. First, it is being ignored. Second, it is ridiculed. Third, it is violently opposed. Fourth, it is accepted as being self-evident."

When Satoshi Nakamoto published his papers on first digital cryptocurrency - Bitcoin, his work was mostly ignored by public and mainstream media. In the next few years, the number of people accepting this new revolutionary idea started to grow, and at the same time media started calling it a scam that will fail soon. But, blockchain survived, cryptocurrency started its spreading and whole market flourished in 2017. Through last year the third phase of cryptocurrency idea started to happen, but the main goal was not to destroy blockchain technology but to crash the market and take control over it. After THEY do that, we will see the final phase - absolute acceptance of cryptocurrency worldwide, but by then most of the crypto wealth will be in the hands of the elite.


Last two months are just a proof of THEIR plan to take over the market, and that plan is working great. THEY are shaking it from all directions, making it unstable and dangerous for small investors, while at the same time building THEIR positions. This process will continue for some time, and when most of the valuable cryptocurrencies come into THEIR cold wallets, we will see how mainstream media starts changing their headlines and accepting crypto as something self-evident. The market will then explode, and many small investors will be left outside.

This article is an opinion of one individual and a big believer in the future of blockchain, cryptocurrency market, and decentralized money. I tried to shortly describe one layer of truth about cryptocurrencies with some reasons behind the current state of the crypto market. I hope that all of you are strong enough to go through this storm, stay semy normal, and get out of it as winners when crypto becomes self-evident to everyone.

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