TreeBlock” is a blockchain that combines Hierarchy Sharding and Time Sharding

Vision about Smart Society
TREEBLOCK is designed to simplify dApps to adopt onto our blockchain protocol for many applications. It connects a network of users around the world via Smart Devices, Smart Contracts and AIs.

AI(s) on the system with permission from the users will share their information within the system to best serve the users’ requests.

Imagine such efficient system that frees you and everyone you care about back to simply enjoy your life. That is what our envisioned future with TreeBlock.

DApps Can Be Built on TreeBlock

Managing a big business organization or multiple industries with all their assets can be a daunting task, but not your family. What if you could use a platform at which you can connect with the whole family and be an important part of every major decision your family member takes? Though numerous social networking apps and sites are available, these platforms do not offer specific features to strengthen the roots of a family.

YouRoot, introduced by TreeBlock is a unique platform that is offering some amazing features based on the blockchain technology. This platform is offering some unique and revolutionary solutions that will lure every mobile subscriber and family.

What is YouRoot?

YouRoot is the world’s first blockchain powered platform that permits every mobile user to connect as a node, and every family as a block in a blockchain to form a digitized society. You might be wondering what is so special about YouRoot because other social networking apps and sites also offer a facility of forming groups and chatting. YouRoot is different because it not only allows you to communicate, but also make travel plans, share memories, manage the family finance, health, education, and family assets. It is a dedicated platform designed only with one purpose and that is bringing the whole family together. TreeeBlock’s YouRoot app features a user-friendly interface and impressive safety features.

This platform is forming a centralized network in which every family will act as a unit. The vital information of the family will be shared within the small family network. The information will be protected against all sorts of threats by using the cutting-edge safety features of the blockchain technology. YouRoot is featuring family based blockchain technology, designed and introduced only to connect the family members and bring them closer.

TreeBlock has offered this platform with only one purpose and that is supporting families in managing their regular life. This platform can be used by the family members to store their personal data which they want to share with the upcoming generation. It is an innovative approach to introducing the new generation with the values and assets your family holds. Families would love to use this platform for growing closer and eliminating the distances. There was no such solution designed specifically for families before, but now it is available and you can use it.

Features of YouRoot:

It is a family enterprise network that is helping families in growing their family values. Its key features include the following:

Featuring a secure channel for the families.
Offering a data protection solution within the network where families can store and protect their records.
It is a flexible platform that unites both centralized and decentralized technologies.
Offering the features of the blockchain technology to improve the wealthy status of families.
Family members can use this platform to transfer their family assets to the next generation.
All of these features prove that YouRoot offered by TreeBlock is a revolutionary blockchain solution that can transform the way families live together.

To find more relevant details from the TreeBlock project, please follow some sources for the following references:


Bitcointalk username: ikpirijor7
Profile link:;u=1839483
ETH address: 0xD83Dc05360A99074D063529FE1F498227517277a

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