Cryptocurrency: the World-Changing Power of an Idea

$11,351 per bitcoin.


Is anyone else having trouble focusing at work or sleeping or really thinking about anything other than cryptocurrency right now?

I'm trying my best to make sense of all this and explain it to my friends and family who are messaging me all day. I've been working to explain the value here as simply as possible. Here's something I wrote yesterday:

  1. Financial value is determined in the moment of transaction, not intrinsically (example, bitcoin 4 years ago worked better than it does today).
  2. We store value in money because money, at its core, is just a ledger for keeping track of value transfers.
  3. Blockchain technology gives us a cryptographically-secure, globally-distributed, immutable ledger via cryptocurrency.
  4. Cryptocurrencies represent the most valuable form of money ever invented.

I also had this thought just this morning:

If you're still not convinced ideas can change the world, consider this: Words written on 9 pages and released anonymously 9 years ago led to the creation of a global ledger money system with a market cap of $185B and a trade volume of over $9.1B in the last 24 hours alone.

The price of Bitcoin will be one of the top news stories everywhere in the world today.

All because of an idea made into reality.

This is an amazing, exciting time to be alive. We're part of something significant to human history right now.

Breathe it in and smile. Celebrate a little. It really is different this time. The very nature of value and money is changing.

Thank you Steemit friends. I'm so glad to be on this ride with you.

Please understand, this isn't just about the price, it's about an idea being demonstrated by demand. Also, be prepared for a correction. Look at previous % swings in the history of bitcoin and imagine if that happens again now.

If you have a free witness vote and haven't voted for me yet, I'd love to make it back into the top 20. Thanks!

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

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