Facebook, please go away! - Facebook to buy Coinbase?

I just read a short article that in my view is very, very disturbing. There are some rumors out there that little old Zuckerberg is considering purchasing Coinbase. This to me feels like a kick in the gut of epic proportions.

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It almost goes without saying that Facebook is today's most clear example of everything that is wrong with Social Media. Of course, there are some out there that believe that I'm too harsh, that I'm simply speaking against them because I'm salty or something. To those still wearing the wool over their heads, I just have to say ITS TIME TO WAKE UP.

The best explanation I've heard so far to describe Facebook's business model is one that 99% of its users have absolutely no clue of. I find that curiously ridiculous. Imagine if anything else worked like that, imagine how it would be if people gathered at a location, but nobody really understood how the venue, the bar, the business made any money. Regardless, everyone is happy laying down in a bed of ignorance.

How does Facebook make most of their money? - The simplest way to explain it is to say - "You are their product" - They sell your information, your habits, your location, your likes, your dislikes, absolutely everything about you is of public domain as long as you use their platform.

I don't know about any of you, but this bit of knowledge made me leave and never go back. I'm not OK with a company selling my information to make money without my consent, and I can't imagine anyone who has really thought about their practices being comfortable with it neither.

So now.... Buying Coinbase? What do you think would happen? What do you think Zuckerborg would do with the information, specially when it scales. The mere thought makes me want to yell at a cloud in frustration. I hope that the rumor is just that, a stupid rumor.

Funnily enough, maybe to the people who are still standing on the sidelines this would be a sign everything is OK. But, to us, to those of us who left Zuckerbergia we couldn't care less about the possibility.

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