No such thing as easy money...

Honestly, I'm trying to keep a level head on this whole thing. I keep on reading on twitter, reddit and other unmentionable places that the moon is coming, the moon is coming with all the emojis that accompany such statements and all I want to do is grab some of these people by the shoulders and shake them a little bit. Did we not learn any lessons?

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Before you decide what would be the correct brand of baseball bat that you would buy to bash my head in, allow me to defend my somewhat negative sounding position. It's not that I'm being negative about cryptocurrencies, of course that makes no sense, I'm here just like you because I too have seen the possibilities that lie ahead on the road. It's just that the over excitement and the introduction of stupid money, becomes fertile ground for scams and scammers. I for one, I'm a little tired of seeing the same movie plot over and over.

If you think I'm exaggerating, if you think I may have had too much vodka in my sangria (I can roll like that, yes), that is because you have not seen this little gem right here. Don't worry you can click on that, your computer wont explode, that being said do not, let me repeat do not interpret me dropping that link, like some sort of endorsement, quite the opposite.

I feel like I need to ask the ultimate question... Is this real life? I'm still trying to figure this out. Listen I have nothing against Trevon, people are free to do what they want with their money and last I checked he never held a gun to someone's temple, but I'm baffled, surprised, astonished, amazed, shocked (you get the idea), that this project Proof of Trevon James is taking off...


I'm sorry for this weird rant, I'm just trying to process and sometimes my blog takes a pounding...

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