The Tabby Cat Roars: Litecoin's (LTC) Market Cap Now Passes $ 2 billion.

The tabby cat is rising!

The market cap of Litecoin (LTC) has now exceeded $ 2 billion for the first time (currently at $40.15 a coin at the time of writing.)

Digital silver

According coinmarketcap, the weighted average price of this "digital silver" in recent days has increased by more than 30%, and Litecoin is currently being traded at around $ 37-41 a coin.

Creator Litecoin Charlie Lee in his Twitter post also talked about the new achievement of his "digital silver":


A month after the activation of Segregated Witness the Litecoin project is really taking off.

SegWit has been a significant success for Litecoin. The Litecoin team is currently working closely with various developers including the Lightning Network.

Recall a month ago the Litecoin team published a comprehensive roadmap for the current year.

I also reported in one of my previous posts that the creator of Litecoin Charlie Lee was going to leave his post of technical director at Coinbase to focus on his beloved coin. May this tabby cat roar on to $50 a coin! ....

Steem on!


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