What is the Crypto world going to be like by end of 2019

These days there is so much speculation going on in the Cryptocurrency market. Everyone has an opinion around the price and trends of Crypto. The little upsurge has again brought in quite a lot of action in the space. Everyone has started feeling that finally we are done with the bear market and that the bull market has already begun. Well to look at it I too feel the same. I feel we are in those last few days of the little few up and down swings and soon we will be moving up, up and up and may be a very good momentum will be there till we face the another bear market which can be in another 3 years time.

I feel the more the consolidation happens at these levels we see a brighter market in the next year and good ROI, but again Crypto has a lot of volatility so nothing can be every predicted. Everyday I hear these videos where people are pouring in their opinions, some trying to play safe around predictions and some going with high visions with the current swings. I have some investments and I am hoping for good returns as a lot of my future plans are based on the Returns I get.


I am planning to make some more investments in ETH, EOS and ADA, what do you all think. Should I go with these coins or should it only be BTC? I am a little confused as my son keeps insisting that I should only go with BTC where as my mind says I should diversify a little, you never know the returns may be much better than BTC in the short run.
I am open to taking tips and also if any other suggestions. I got into the world of Cryptos exactly 2 years ago when the price was 2K and then in the few months time it touched 20K and then followed the bear market bringing it down. I remember there were similar trends then also, I had bought in May and then in June it went up and July there was a downward swing. My whole intention was to keep a 5 year target and not get into any kind of short term buy and sell. Yes if you play wisely you can really make it good in short term also with these swings but then I do not want to take any risk and play very safe, so I am fine with not gaining extra with the risk of losing already what I have.
Cryptos is one investment which will allow an average person like me to increase my capital. I had never imagined something like this will come into my life and it will change everything for me so drastically.
To be honest, I worked for 20 years and I could not save that much or get returns on any of my investment from what I have got from Cryptos in a span of 2 years time, so this one definitely is my game changer and all thanx to my Son to push me into this. I was so very hesitant for this investment but he kept persuading me and finally I did it.

I am also thinking when the BTC price goes up and one sells it, then will you be keeping the money in the bank or how is it going to be. I am sure there will be lot of future developments in this space. But the whole idea of keeping the money in the bank somewhere is getting a bit uncomfortable for me, but if not the bank then where. You can block some money in fixed assets but then you need to use also for your expenses. As time goes and new developments happen I am sure there will be better solutions to manage the capital.

So what do you all think; what is the BTC price going to be like by end of this year and Steem I hope it will also bring some light. The value of Steem is dropping and does not give a very good feeling. It just feels like you keep working harder and it just does not get anywhere, but I am sure this will also change and we see good prices of Steem too.
Too much speculation, anxiety, restlessness for many I see at this point of time, but I feel we should all relax. This is definitely going up sooner or later and we are all going to benefit being the early adapters.
What is your say, what do you think the price of Bitcoin will be by end of this year?

Thank you for visiting my blog.


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