Bitcoin PRICE Is About To RECOVER INSANELY WELL” - John McAfee Reassures Investors Bitcoin IS SAFE

Bitcoin PRICE Is About To RECOVER INSANELY WELL” - John McAfee Reassures Investors Bitcoin IS SAFE

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What is up ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another Article here today, anti-tech cash house. Hope all of you are having a good one. Thank you all for joining me for another Article here today. In today's Article, I'll be covering another John McAfee tweet that he actually tweeted on August 30th and this isn't his usual tweet where he talks about the bitcoin price or a company that he started or sponsored as of late. He's actually talking about bitcoin mining in relation to the overall market condition and he goes on to talk about the bear market and why soon the bear market will end and we'll see a nice recovery. So with that being said,So if you like this, go ahead and drop it to Upvote share and Follow for more.

All those things really helped me out and let's go ahead and kind of get right into it. So on August 30th John McAfee tweeted as bitcoin miners, no, this year has marked a huge increase in the adoption and use of bitcoin simultaneously. There has been a massive bear market. Clearly the bear market is psychologically motivated at some point, reality will set in and the market were reflect true growth. So what exactly is this tweet saying? Well, in essence this tweet is talking about the current market condition and of course the market has been relatively down as of late, but it's kind of in a purgatory right now. The price isn't really moving all that much. However, today it has moved by about two percent, which is always good to see. The price again is above $7,000. But with that being said, we haven't really seen huge price movements.

So mcafee is saying here that despite overall adoption increasing, including mining ramping up, the price is still relatively stagnant and he says here that the market associated with the stagnant price or the bear market is psychologically motivated. Now what does he mean by that? Well essentially bitcoin's price on a huge decline after December of 2017 and that really freaked out quite a few people and honestly when people are getting involved with something and then they lose a lot of their money because of a drop or a market correction, it tends to make people lose confidence. I mean, how many people do you think are less confident in the stock market now than they were pre 2007, 2008? I would almost say pretty much everyone who invests so when you experience such a dip as we did, it takes a while for the market to psychologically recover from that dip and to really be comfortable in what they're buying into.

So with that being said, McAfee does say that adoption is up, growth is up, mining is up, all of these factors and conditions are improving and as bitcoin miners know, the market will soon reflect true growth. We really just need to see the consumer confidence recover to an acceptable level where people are more comfortable buying back in and investing more longterm and using things on a day to day basis. Now I use cryptocurrencies as frequently as I can, if there's an option online to pay with cryptocurrencies or they're a small businesses that accept cryptocurrencies or Bitcoin, even, I will support those businesses even over Amazon or other large companies because you know what? Amazon right now does not easily accept cryptocurrencies. There are some ways to kind of dangle your way around it such as buying gift cards with Bitcoin, etc. Etc. But quitE honestly the adoption is increasing and you may not see the adoption increasing in a huge way with huge companies.

However, I think that will come in the future as smaller businesses prove that these forms of payments that using the bitcoin and cryptocurrency ecosystem can be fruitful. I think these Big companies will be much more likely to jump on board and a lot of the larger companies are researching the ecosystem and the cryptocurrency use cases that could really push their businesses forward. So it is happening. Okay. We really just need, like mcafee says, you're to overcome the psychological level that really has a lot of people down and it's really understandable. If you think about it. I can see why people lost confidence, but like I've said so many times in the past and as mcafee seems to say here, the fundamentals are still quite good and with that being said, everything is still good for the future and future growth is going to be pretty nice and the market is soon to reflect that future growth, so while we aren't exactly seeing huge booms or anything like we were seeing in december or january, we are still seeing growth and really it might be a good thing that we're experiencing growth on a slower pace.

Growth is something that a lot of people can't really handle at such an explosive rate. It gets a lot of people pumped and that causes people to make bad decisions and every financial decision, in my opinion, should be well thought out and calculated. Anyway, folks. Anyway, let me go ahead and read the tweet once more, kind of summarize it and then we will wrap things up. So as bitcoin miners, no, this year has marked a huge increase in the adoption and use of bitcoin simultaneously. There has been a massive bear market. Clearly the bear market is psychologically motivated at some point, reality will set in and the market will reflect true growth. So there's the tweet, once again, like I said before, it's really pretty obvious to understand here that mcafee is referencing, you know, the adoption no longer necessarily yielding huge price increases, but that the growth will come at a later date. So anyway. Anyway, that is my opinion. I want to hear all of you think down in the comment section below. As always, let me know what all of your thinking. Hope you all have a good one. Drop a Upvote on this Article. If you like it, Follow and share from your llc. All of you in the next Article. Have a good one and adios.

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