
Also Read : Bitcoin ETFS Could Come As SOON AS 2019 - What This CRYPTO EXPERT KNOWS Will BLOW YOUR MIND BTC NEWS 2018

What's going on guys? Nayabali here bringing you a brand new Article tape. We got another killer Article for you guys. Full of information today. I have another undervalued all core review for you guys. I'm very excited to bring this to you, but before we get started with that, if you guys are new to the Blog, make sure you do it. The Follow button down below, as well as the bell icon. Next. Wait, so you guys notified every time I release a new Article, I have daily cryptocurrency market in news updates as well as some undervalued alt coin and some ICO reviews.

So if that sounds interesting to you and you want to learn more about cryptocurrency every single day, make sure you guys are Followd and you have your notifications turned on. Without further ado, guys, let's jump right into this. Today's undervalued all coin is changing them.

They actually went through a rebranding relinquishment talk about in just a bit, but if by any means you are interested in picking up this all coin. Now actually before we get started with this guy's investing in all coins can be risky investing in anything. Actually can be risky, so make sure you do your own research, make sure you go over the white paper, make sure you go over to the team and so on and so on. Make sure you do your own research before you invest your money.

Absolutely anywhere. This is just my opinion. I'm not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice, but if we look at the markets to see where we can pick up and at hip BTC, idexx and bank for probably the most volume as you can see is actually done on hip, etc. And idexx for a connected with a theory as the ethereum trading pairs.

So mAke sure you guys are probably going to go there. Make sure you do. Keep that in mind. You guys do focus on those two if you are interested in picking it up, taking a look at the chart and not much to show. Been following what the market's been doing which is going down. So overall not anything out of the ordinary there, but they did rebrand. Like I said, cheney them rebranded into own. So let's scroll all the way to the top and show you guys what they're trying to do. So the global equity market is inefficient. It's outdated, it's unfair. So they want to start again. Let's start again. No middlemen, no fees, no boundaries. Now, if you want to actually check out the platform, they do have a live version of the platform and the wallet right now. So if you guys are interested in that, go ahead and check that out.

I'm not going to show much about that because I think that's going to take up way too much time and not deliver on the actual information. But again, if you guys are interested in that, make sure you go and check that out. Now they also have a Article which I'm going to be playing for you guys before we get started with the review so you guys can hear in their words one about the rebranding, why the why they, why did they rebrand, and also what they're trying to do. So I'm going to play that right now for you guys and then we'll tune back in after

is evolving. Introducing a new name. Oh, so you might ask why are we changing our name? We began. Our journey has changed them last year and it's hard to believe how far we've come. We've traveled the globe building a fantastic community, not to mention the unsuccessful token sale. Plus we recently launched version one of our platform and blockchain, but this is just the beginning. It's time for us to take our platform to the global stage. We're creating an equity market in which power is in the hands of business owners and investors. It's a big, bold and ambitious goal. We need a big, bold and ambitious name. It's for this reason we've chosen our new name. The name reminds us that what we're doing is not about technology or clever algorithms. It's about empowering individuals across the globe to being controlled so that businesses, jazz, underinvestment. In short the equity market.

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us so far. Our product truly is a community effort and we can't wait to see how businesses, investors, partners, and developers take our platform and build upon it to reimagine the equity market as they say. In the end, it's about the power that we can give to you, the equity markets as it should be.

Alright guys, so hopefully you did enjoy the Article. Now let's go into a little more information about and or own as they have now rebranded, so they're building their own block chain work, creating the custom infrastructure, the future global equity market needs. So our blockchain is specifically built for digital share transactions. Are blockchain is purpose built to handle publicity available or repub publicly available data as well as confidential data.

A unique challenge for the equity market. Our blockchain is built to scale for big businesses with millions of shareholders and global investors providing stability and they're building a global digital share certification that we intend to become the new global standard. So a very ambitious project. Again, I'm a big fan of ambitious project, especially if the team can back it up and they can actually execute it. I love people who dream big and go for these big things that could actually change and have a huge impact on the world.

Now taking a look at their team, which I did go over previously, I did go over by myself when I was doing my own research. They do have a good team. I believe they can achieve what they're trying to achieve. This is going to come down to execution with a big goal. Like I said, they do need to execute very well and they do need to continuously grow their platform, continue to market and continue to get people in the community. So that's gonna be one of the big deciding factors is like I always say the community and we're going to go over the community in a towards the end of the Article as well. Anyways, the roadmaps of the first half of 2017 was the business case and the business launches. This was already over a year ago, second half of 2017 partners and advisors prototype and c h x token sale while back as well.

Now 2018 q one was the platform release one point. Oh. Like I said, they do have a live version of the platform and the wallet and then in. So then the second half of 2018, the plan is to have the platform release two point. Oh, that is what the goal is. Now, again, if you guys are interested in this, I would highly recommend reading the white papers so you guys can be confident in your investment so it can be more informed. This is a fairly small all coin with a one point $5, billion dollars in market cap, I believe maybe a little bit under that, which means one, it has a huge upside. If it does take off, there's a lot of money to be made, but also on the other side it is very small so it is very, very risky. Keep that in mind.

Now, continuing on down the webSite, you see them featured in several places and this is the team that I was mentioning. Like I said, they're a good team. I wouldn't call them an all star team like we've seen in other old points, like a theory for example, that wasn't all star team, but again this is very new so they might turn out to be an all star team currently. I wouldn't label it as that, but again, huge opportunity to actually change the world and I'm excited to see how they managed to actually execute on this. Their advisors as well. You guys can take a look at some of them. Their partners we have. one of the main ones is. Oh, mobile is one that they're very proud of and that's the end of the website. So again, this is a very interesting project. They have a lot of things going for them.

It is a very ambitious project. Their website is now we Again, they rebranded from cheney, him to we If you go to the iom website, well you get taken to this one directly, so that is over. All good. Now they have three target audiences, which when I discussed with theM, this is what they wanted me to share with you guys. So there's three target audiences. One is businesses who want to list shares. The second one is investors who want to trade shares and thirdly is developers who want to build share solution. So guys, the seven platform users that they identified, again, a lot of research has been done so they do know what their target audience is and that's what they're trying to actually go after, which is key to know. uh, guys, I think this is a very, a very good sign in my opinion now the seven platform users are, are, are the big businesses, the sme businesses, startup businesses, business investors, sophisticated investors, not novice investors.

So all different levels of investors basically and developers. So again, very solid research. They're very solid worK done to figure this stuff out. Again, now it's going to be all, it's going to come down all to execution and tackling and getting these people on board. I believe that's going to be the biggest challenge obviously is growing the actual adoption. And the main thing for this comes with the community and that's why I always look at social media when it comes to an ico or an old coin. TheY have 14 point 2000 followers on twitter. Not bad whatsoever. Definitely could be better, but given they're only at a one point $5, billion dollar market cap, definitely a good. Their engagement again, could be significantly higher with very small amount of engagement given the amount of followers they have. I would just recommend if I was, if I was to give any form of suggestions, would be to take the community seriously, take the social media seriously, build a an engaged community, build and excited community, constantly post about what's going on and get people engaged and excited.

6,281 members, not bad. Again, it is a small quiz, so as they grow, that should grow as well, but guys, that's going to be it for this undervalued alcorn review. If you guys did enjoy, don't forget to leave a thumbs up and again, if you have any questions, leave them in the comments down below or reach out to them directly. I'm sure they would be more than happy to answer for guys, thank you so much for watching. I'll see you guys tomorrow for another Article.

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